Saturday, January 3, 2009


A Rakyat may be cowed by positions, power, and wealth. A Rapera knows that only Allah can bestow this on a person and take it away as He pleases. Hence, these glitters of life do not detract him from calling a spade a spade. A thief is still a thief even if he is called Tan Sri Adipandai and lives in a mansion. Why should a dignified human being be intimidated by and bow to a thief? What more if you truly do believe in God.

They said: "We have more in wealth and in sons, and we cannot be punished." (Quran 34:35)

“Say: "Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Provision to whom He pleases, but most men understand not." (Quran 34:36)

A Rakyat may be happy living in the world that his forefathers created, even if it humiliates humanity, affronts common sense and destroys him in the long run. He is controlled by perverse habits of thinking that may be labeled as “norms”, “culture”, “values”, “religion”, and so on. He is enslaved to the human masters that created these ideas for the pure purpose of enslavement.

“When they are told to follow that which God has sent down, they say: "No!, we shall follow the ways that we found our fathers (following). "What! even if it is Satan beckoning them to the Penalty of the (Blazing) Fire?” (Quran 31:21)

A Rapera is evaluative. He evaluates whatever he has inherited. He discards whatever that humiliates humanity, affronts common sense and destroys him in the long run. He tries very hard to free himself from being controlled by habits of thinking that may be labeled as “norms”, “culture”, “values”, “religion”, and so on. He is aware that Allah did not create brains for decorative purposes. He knows that he has change himself first before the society that he lives in can change for the better.

"Because God will never change the grace which He has bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily God is He Who hears and knows (all things)." (Quran 8:53)

A Rakyat is easily duped by politicians and religionists, believing that all of them must necessarily be good and sincere because of their speeches and their stature. They have not trained their minds to see beyond form. Hence, they cannot recognize substance.

A Rapera on the other hand, is guided by Allah’s warning – that such men may even swear in the name of Allah and yet commit all sorts of unthinkable atrocities. A Rapera learns to recognize substance over form.

“There is the type of man whose speech about this world's life May dazzle you, and he calls God to witness about what is in his heart; yet is he the most contentious of enemies” (Quran 2:204)

A Rakyat may think that change must occur outside himself. He is forever blaming “them” while forgetting that he is part of “them”. He may think he is helpless in the face of evildoers. A Rapera knows that evil can control him ONLY if he gives up his mind and soul to the evildoer.

"As for My servants, no authority shalt you (Satan) have over them:" Enough is my
Lord as a Disposer of affairs
(Quran 17:65)

DO not give the evildoers authority over you. Let us regain our dignity as a citizen of this beautiful Nation. Let us TRY to evolve into a RAPERA.

Peace !


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