The struggle for power among the politicians ordinarily hurts the Rakyat and if the Rakyat is not careful, it may escalate to extremely painful and dangerous situations. We have to strive all we can to maintain public order and national stability. This is our home; we have to take care of it.
We have to collectively make the politicians realize that NATIONAL INTERESTS are far larger than their respective quests for political power.
As the current situation shows, there appears to be no end. Perak is turning out to be "The Tale of Two Governments" with no benefit to the people. What is happening in Perak will certainly have an impact on the whole country in terms of investor's confidence and business development. Without confidence, there is no investment, no employment opportunities, and hence no incomes. We all suffer. Our families suffer.
How did GOVERNANCE ever get out of hand?
What a price to pay for political scores?
At last, somebody who has got the two B's, said something worthy at the 8pm TV3 News. He should be our next PM ! Serious !