Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bagan Pinang - PAS rejected?

Of course there are a host of many reasons why PAS lost. Of course too that the group that lost may suddenly not think so well of the voters implying that they condone corrupt leaders. Some others from the camp that lost even go to the extent of accusing that the Malaysian voters like corrupt leaders. Whether that is so or not, I am sure cannot be judged by from one by-election. But the point is this - when they were winning, they acclaimed "people power". See? Politicians love double talk because what is important to them is only - to win elections. Not you or me - the People.

At least YB Lim Kit Siang was the only one it seems to suggest that Pakatan Rakyat should do some introspection.

But what I had intended to write was something else - Malays in Bagan Pinang rejected PAS. MALAYS. MUSLIMS. So, it appears that the Malay Muslim voters are not convinced of PAS's "Islamic" brand. They have said no to "pemerintahan ulama" ala PAS.

This in one sense is a good sign because it may mean that the "brand" of "Islam" cannot be easily commercialized or politicized by business and political opportunists. Malay Muslims are becoming more discerning when anyone who appears like pseudo Arab wants their attention in the name of Islam.

PAS even went alone in this by-election without PKR and DAP.In PAS language, "a purely Islamic campaign" without PKR and DAP! Itu pun kalah. So, it is clear that...tak lah wajib undi PAS! Melayu Bagan Pinang tak takut ke tak masuk syurga? Kan UMNO tu agama suku, politik suku? Seharusnya jadi macam pucuk pimpinan PAS, politik suku, thagut suku. (sahabat-sahabat saya dalam PAS, saya tidak maksudkan saudara-saudari. Kita tetap bersaudara sebagai saudara Islam dan umat manusia, Insha Allah).

Frankly, if I am in Bagan Pinang, I will reject PAS because I am a Muslim and I fear Allah swt. Kalau DAP...hmmm...boleh lah fikir-fikir sikit. Kalau PKR? Selagi ada ... tak payah lah! At least, in my view they do not distort Islam and YB Lim Guan Eng is working hard instead of showing off how religious he is.

I seriously think that we should pass laws that prohibit political parties from using religion as part of their name. Imagine, with PAS losing - Parti ISLAM seMalaysia - implies that Malay Muslims have rejected an Islamic party. Tak masuk akal langsung dan memberi gambaran yang salah terhadap Islam serta pengundi Melayu Muslim di Bagan Pinang.



    Parti Keadilan Rakyat PKR adalah sebuah parti politik serpihan UMNO yang diasaskan oleh Dr Wan Azizah bersama-sama penyokong kuat suaminya. PKR ini juga mendapat sokongan dari individu-individu kroni yang banyak termakan budi dengan Anwar Ibrahim, semasa beliau berada dalam kerajaan sebelum dipecat. PKR ditubuhkan ketika protes terhadap perbicaraan Anwar Ibrahim. Jadi ianya jelas menunjukkan bahawa PKR adalah parti Anwar Ibrahim, oleh Anwar Ibrahim, untuk Anwar Ibrahim. Ini terbukti daripada Perlembagaan PKR yang tiada hala tuju yang jelas serta tiada sesuatu yang khusus yang diperjuangkan. Perlembagaan PKR yang langsung tidak menyebut pasal menjadikan Islam sebagai teras perjuangannya. Maka dengan keanggotaannya yang terbuka kepada semua agama & bangsa, PKR dengan sendirinya menjadi Parti Sekular, dan sekaligus ia patut ditolak oleh PAS yang anti sekularisma, kerana perjuangan PKR akan membawa kepada kelupusan kuasa & keistimewaan Islam & Melayu di Negara ini. Sebagai orang Islam, kita tidak patut menyokong parti politik yang tidak memperjuangkan Islam, tambahan lagi sudah nyata yang PKR mendapat sokongan luar Negara dari para pemimpin kalangan bangsa Yahudi & Nasrani seperti Al-Gore, Albright, James Rubin, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Caindesus & lain-lain yang anti-Islam. Surah al-Baqarah ayat 120 & Surah ali-Imran ayat 118. Terdapat banyak bukti bahawa Anwar Ibrahim terlibat dengan badan-badan antarabangsa yang tidak Islamik dan ada yang bersifat anti-Islam tulin dan pro kepada Islam liberal. Dalam hal ini, kita hairan kenapa PAS masih hendak menjadikan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Calon Perdana Menteri mereka dan berjuang bersama-samanya tanpa menjadikan Islam sebagai matlamat perjuangan.

  2. kita ada dapat jemputan 'open house' utk deepavali ni tapi ada orang pas kata takleh gi ! Rosak akidah nanti ! Abih camno ni ? Ada fatwa ke ?

  3. Laws should pass prohibiting the use of religion as a brand for political parties as well as businesses. More often than not, the name of Islam is smeared by these corrupt parties and organizations.

  4. BID,

    you may have noticed that your blogs are on my blog list. So keep writing and sharing.

    peace !

  5. bro,

    agree with bid. Use of religion name in political parties should be prohibited to avoid confusion and defamation.
