OCTOBER 3 — A nation without an ideology is like a teenager without a direction. A direction of some sort, even a broad and general one, for example, to appreciate life and its gifts is essential to determine the quality of life.
It also acts as a fence that reminds the teenager to be wary of influences that may make him unappreciative of life’s gifts, such as indulgence in drug abuse.

We require a common national philosophy and a set of national values that can unite us as Malaysians and guide our Malaysian spirit to evolve and grow. Like nurturing a child, a nation requires constant nurturing, too.
Today, we perceive our nation to be in a state of ethnic, religious, social and economic tatters. Madness in behaviour and speeches, and mediocrity in work and productivity appear to have become a national norm.
Our leaders have to be proactive to reverse this trend and correct the perception. If the leaders are able to remove the political cataract blinding their eyes, they will see the nation is crying out for a direction and a national philosophy all Malaysians can identify with.
As a nation that achieved independence, we were learning how to co-exist as Malaysians due to our diverse backgrounds.
We had our first racial clash, albeit politically originated, in May 1969. That was our first and I am sure our last bitter experience of a civil clash.
As a result of this bitter experience, our past leaders were wise to recognise the need for a national philosophy which can be a guiding force to unite and provide a national direction for the people.
The National Consultative Council, headed by the late Tun Abdul Razak, had the unity and “soul” of the nation in mind when the principles of the Rukunegara were formulated.
What is so special about the Rukunegara? Firstly, everyone seems to have forgotten it was formalised as a national ideology through a declaration by none other than the Yang diPertuan Agong on Aug 31, 1970.
I learnt the Rukunegara in school and I recall reciting it at school assemblies. It represented our national values.
It has five main principles namely, belief in God, loyalty to the King and the country, upholding the Constitution, rule of law, and good behaviour and morality.
The purpose of instilling these five principles is explained by the preamble to the Rukunegara.
The preamble provides Malaysia aspires to achieve a greater unity for all her people by:
- Maintaining a democratic way of life;
- Creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation is equitably shared;
- Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions, and;
- Building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology;
The Rukunegara contains not only universal values so relevant to a diverse society like ours, but it also sets a clear direction which we all can share to make this nation great.
We really need to be united by common values before we are pulled apart by mischief makers in our society who are bent on dividing us.
What is urgently required now is the rebirth of Razak’s political will to give life to the principles of Rukunegara.
I support the increasing call that the Rukunegara is made as a preamble to the Constitution of Malaysia.
This will allow the courts to interpret the Federal Constitution within the context of the national philosophy particularly with regards to the protection of the fundamental liberties of the citizens as enshrined in the Constitution.
It will also enable the protection of the constitutional monarchy and the parliamentary democratic political structure of our country.
If our current leadership has Razak’s wisdom, foresight and courage, I foresee discussions, conversations and the political will to promote the Rukunegara to the position it was meant to be.
However, as Just International president Dr Chandra Muzzafar recently pointed out, since the 1980s, the Rukunegara seemed to have been systematically put aside. Is it any surprise then there is a feeling today that our nation seems to have lost its soul while we may have generally achieved major material progress?
However, as Just International president Dr Chandra Muzzafar recently pointed out, since the 1980s, the Rukunegara seemed to have been systematically put aside. Is it any surprise then there is a feeling today that our nation seems to have lost its soul while we may have generally achieved major material progress?
I appeal to our current leadership to put back the soul in our nation.
* Jahaberdeen is a senior lawyer and founder of Rapera, a movement which encourages thinking and compassionate citizens. He can be reached at rapera.jay@gmail.com.
This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail Online.