Did you know that banks have outsourced the clearance of cheques? What this means is that some third party will be verifying your name, signature, account number and not your bank. If there is any discrepancy in the particulars, the cheque will be returned to the bank and the cheque returned to you. Did your banks inform you of this change?
Previously,, all cheques were verified by your own bank. Since it your bank, the officers that know you will call you up for verification if there is any minor doubt. In other words, there is personal service because of the rapport you have with your bank. But with the outsourcing, this rapport is useless. The value of the personal relationship is lost. More impersonal now.
With the grand idea of merging banks into a few large banks, the citizens now have to deal with a much smaller oligopoly. Effectively, this means, you have no choice. So called "economic considerations" over ride the convenience for the citizens. Things like this makes me really wonder what our political leaders have been doing? Are they serving the rakyat or the "business interest"
DO you know what other changes that have occurred with the banking circle.
I as told by my ambank that this was only recently outsourced say two months back....maybe other banks much earlier.
anyway thanks for the information. Was educational.
Back in 1990, bought a Proton Saga Mega valve. It was my first, 'firsthand' car. Before that only can afford secondhand cars, 3 alltogether. Used that proton for almost 12 years and the only problem I had were the driver's side auto window winder and some water entering into the rear light, right side. Well, of course I had to change the auto winder while the problem with the rear light was solved with the 'Selley's' super sealant.
I would like to thank Tun Dr. Mahathir for giving me the opportunity to own a firsthand car and at that time, it was like owning something luxury. OK, fair enough, I had some problem with the car but there again, with the amount of money I paid for it, I am not complaining and I am one satisfied proton car owner.
P.S. Am I the only one ke ?
Sorry Mr. J,
The issue was outsourcing eh ! OK, outsourcing is good in the sense (the dollar and cents la) that it reduces your cost and increases your profit. If your thinking of your survival and your pocket only, then it's good but when there are 'others' involved, then it's gonna be a problem.
Those who 'outsource' have only one thing in common i.e.'my interest (or my pocket) come first' and your interest, who cares !
Well, some people don't like Mahathir and some likes him. I for one likes him.
Some not satisfied with proton cars, while some are satisfied with it and I am one satisfied proton owner.
Itu pun nak kena guna lojik ke ?
jon pour do care,
It looks like bulan is extremely anti malay.
each of the column he wrote, will touch about malay.
we are talking about outsourcing here.....yeah i knew maybe he just want to express his experience or feeling but....
I'm he's too physco!
Hopefully he still can be logical as he wish!
Peace to you Bulan = PAS LOGO
while I think that there are lots of problems with the Malays, I think the same applies to the Indians, Chinese, Ibans, Germans, Scottish, Arabs, English, Kadazans, Russians, etc etc.
We all have problems. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Lets be critical, even very critical but let us try not be prejudiced and let us prevent ourselves from falling into the trap of labeling "some" as "all".
Peace !
Apa, apa pun, kita orang Malaysia kan..kan...kan...
Bulan, Bulan,Bulan
Please open to criticism....still want???
Please refer to jahamy advise.
You looks like childish!
We should have an academic discussion in raperas!
Your presence and participation in this blog is very welcomed. You have shared many views with us before which I personally found educational and am grateful for.
However, I think this statement by you is inacurate, at least on this blog:
"you see even blogging also the malays wants their special rights".
Peace ! ..:)
No matter how thin you slice, there's always two sides.
One side:
Dah tahu kalau orang 'cucuk' kita akan melatah, relax la ! Keep cool la !
The other side:
Dah tahu kalau orang tu akan melatah bila di 'cucuk', jangan buat begitu la ! Tak baik la !
Alamak ! Lari dari topik pulak ! 1000 apologies J Sahab !
Be around, be cool,
be provocative, be tactful
be prepared to be misunderstood,
be ready to change approach,
be aware of differing levels of understanding,
be patient, be emphatic,
for change in mindset beings with self,
as we teach, we learn,
be spirited, be principled,
be forever persistent, determined.
for change does not occur overnight... So never retreat forever,
only tactically, if need be.
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