The Ampang-Ulu Klang area has been prone to houses and rows of shoplots collapsing though what people seem to remember is only the Highland Towers collapse.
You can read a history of landslides in Hulu Klang area at mysinchew here
I too had handled a case involving the sudden collapse of a house in Bukit Antarabangsa way back in the 1990s. The whole house just suddenly cracked and collapsed in the middle of the night. Luckily, the parents and their children managed to vacate the house before the whole house literally sunk into the ground. This case taught me that the water table in the Hulu Klang area is high and hence, the soil there is unstable.
Insurance companies do not insure such damages citing “act of God”. The Government approving authorities usually invoke the immunity from liability under the the Street, Drainage & Building Act 1974 (Act 133). Hence the house owner is left to solve his own problem without the help of the insurance companies, the government and of course the caring religious authority that wants to save your soul.
Surely it must be haram to continue to make profits from developments that are bound to fail and cause possible death? Surely it must be haram to approve projects that will harm the people? It may be interesting to know what the learned people at the Fatwa Council think. Or is good governance and good corporate practices not part of the “religious” jurisdiction of the religious authorities?
Isn’t it the legitimate expectation of property buyers that all parties involved in the development or construction have considered all aspects, especially that of quality and safety? Otherwise, the buyers are not getting what is due to them and their trust has been betrayed.
"And O my people! give just measure and weight, nor withhold from the people the things that are their due: commit not evil in the land with intent to do mischief” ( Quran: 11:85)
Just thinking aloud.
dont forget the fatwa on muslims not to help non muslims.
looks like the rescue team has advanced knowledge that the fatwa boys will issue the directive not to assist non muslims in this sort of calamity. we shall wait a few more days before this future fatwa will be issue by the relevant parties.
The husband of Eng Yee Peng who perished in the landslide at Taman Bukit Mewah, Bukit Antarabangsa here last Saturday, had alleged that the rescue team failed to respond positively when he sought their help to save his wife.
the husband of Eng had sought help from the rescue team but was given a hoe and asked to dig and find his wife on his own.
on top of that the rescue team not only sat and watched, but they also help themselfs with the beer from the house and sat smoking while the husband was digging frantically for his wife.
furthermore, they ransacked the house for jewellery and cash before leaving.
this is malaysia
thats sad, Thats irresponsible. I think he should make a police report. I also view that if that incident is true, that is behaviour not reflective of Muslims.
I pray that God gives strength to the husband.
Yup. Thats why God says that some of us are worse than animals...for we refuse to be people. Even vultures only eat bodies that are already dead.
I've been watching closely the ongoing live reports on the tragedy site.
Forget about the fatwas on Malays not helping non Malays....my question is WHERE THE HELL ARE THE CHINESE AND INDIANS?
The rescue workers are Malays, Police personel are Malays, Rela members are Malays, Heck! Even the Makchiks slicing onions and cooking for the victims on site are Malays. Are you people just good for watching by the roadside and on TV criticizing? Typical a##holes!
Today, the Association of Malay Taxis are offering 25 taxis to ferry victims to wherever they want in the Klang valley until Saturday at the very least. What are the Chinese Taxi Associations doing? Picking their nose with their little finger by the roadside enjoying the view?
My sympathy goes to ENg Yee Peng's husband, but Eng Chee Peng isn't the only victim there. There are aother unfortunate families there who suffered the same fate but refuse to bitch about it.
If the rescuers were rascists, they wouldn't be hanging around there in the first place. They'd be searching the other houses with Malay occupants.
They are not stupid to loot and drink up the fellow's beer knowing full well it will come out in the open.
Just shut up and make a police report. Isn't it easier to find a smelly dead body than cash and jewellery under the tonnes of soil? Reflect on it!
Da Real deal,
Good point. Why is everything looked at from a racist angle???
Maybe we should address the "racist streak" in ourselves first.
The rescue workers are Malays, Police personel are Malays, Rela members are Malays, Heck! Even the Makchiks slicing onions and cooking for the victims on site are Malays.
ofcourse they are malays, do you aspect them to qualify and get jobs in the private sector? these are private sector rejects which cant get jobs anywhere else so they leech on the government for jobs hence the poor job performance..
Today, the Association of Malay Taxis are offering 25 taxis to ferry victims to wherever they want in the Klang valley until Saturday at the very least.
yeah they will only ferry malay passengers no doubt.
My sympathy goes to ENg Yee Peng's husband, but Eng Chee Peng isn't the only victim there. There are aother unfortunate families there who suffered the same fate but refuse to bitch about it.
because the other families have all accounted for the people living in their respective houses and only one was left to dig for his wife that might possibly be saved if it was fast enough? use Da Real Brain here??
If the rescuers were rascists, they wouldn't be hanging around there in the first place. They'd be searching the other houses with Malay occupants.
well isnt the non malay tax payers paying for these people's salaries in the first place to perform their job? helo this is a rich area lah only the non malays and corrupt malays can afford, so not many malays around to help.
They are not stupid to loot and drink up the fellow's beer knowing full well it will come out in the open.
well if they are malay, yes they are that stupid
Just shut up and make a police report. Isn't it easier to find a smelly dead body than cash and jewellery under the tonnes of soil? Reflect on it!
never underestimate the greed!!
ahhhhhh my work here is done..
Yes indeed you have done your job here. You have shown that you are the racist. More importantly, you have justified the rescuers action of not saving the chink's sorry ass.
Be sure none of you parasites get involved in anymore mishaps because all of those in the rescue business are Malays and you farts are not willing to help even your own in these circumstances.
As far as private sectors are concerned, don't flatter yourself. The Chinks have to beg and kow tow for handouts from the Malay govt to get projects to give you a living. In return you pay the bigshots big money while paying taxes supposedly to pay the salaries of the Malays who prefer not to save your sorry lives. Hmm....who's the sucker now huh Chop Suey??
woo hoo hoo your good, and english also not bad, only conclusion is you cant be of malay origin
That's where you lose you punk. Keep on underestimating others. The way you're behaving it won't be long before you fellas lose your grip of the nation's wealth. Just taking pride from the first and second generations' success won't quite cut it in the future.
why do you assume i am chinese?
Come to think of it, you do talk like an Indian after only half a glass of Carlsberg (that's all it takes for them to get drunk), but then again the smell of garlic is overwhelming.
Guardian and Da Real Deal,
I cannot help laughing and rolling on the floor reading both your banters. By the way I am not laughing AT both you...))
Foreigners, welcome to Malaysia!
well i guess the ignorant will never be silent.
i am neither chinese nor indian and god forbid if i was born a malay i kill myself by now.
atleast i would prefer being any race rather than malay even born with aids, atleast there is a hope that there is cure for aids, but there is no hope incuring substandard races which dont even know that they are bunch of.. well, anyway cannot blame them.
even with the nep and racial supression of chinese and indian race in malaysia, they are still outdoing the bumis. what a surprised, these 2 races have achieved historical advances for the past 5000 years, and even if you kick them out your so called cuntry they will survive anywhere in the world as proven.
but if you let a malay loose anywhere else but boleh land, inshah allah, if he can survive.
the difference between a malay and dog is if you put food out for a dog in a particular place for a week, at least the dog will know where to find his meal, cant say the same thing about the other one though.
all the past prime ministers of this country was not malay until now which is the biggest screw of malaysian politics.
2 more elections you probably will find a non malay being prime minister and they will send all the malays to one state such as trengganu so that you guys can continue with your inbreeding and please dont rape your daughters until they atleast 18.
the problem with people like you that are not only ignorant but arrogant as well without even realising it, is what you read here wirting gibberish without facts or substance.
but the biggest injustice you are doing is you are hurting your own race...you dumb fuck.
Why are you going on and on and on like an unwanted prostitute?
Geeez!!! We know you're fucked for being born an immigrant but dont worry, if you beleive in reincarnation, you will come back as an Aids infested infant. Your prayers will be answered and I'll even pray for it too.
The way you're bitching tells me that you're one of those cursed and poor immigrants who's stuck here for good, while others can have homes in Perth, London and even fucking Taiwan.
Ha!Ha!Ha! Tough shit man! Learn to love it. You're just a suffering second class citizen and no matter how much you bitch about it, you'll still end you're life here as a second class citizen while others have an alternative.
Your God really loves you for being born in a country where you have to work thrice as hard just to earn the same as others. Heck! Maybe this was your prayer in your past life where you bitched the same.
Face it man, whether in the past life, present or the future, you'll still be a bitching loser!!!
Hey! that even rhymes..which makes the truth sounds even better!!
Thanks for your hospitality Jahamy, I really enjoyed myself taking the mickey out of this pathetic prick!
Hope you enjoyed it just as much. Over and out!
what a glorious saturday afternoon, hmmm, what should i do..oh yeah lets take the piss..
looks like its getting interesting now and finally its becoming personal.
lets see why he hates the chinese so much.
maybe his mother had an illicit affair with a chinese guy and he is the unfortunate result being brought into this world. all along he knows he his chinese but have to keep quiet so that his malay non biological father is not embarrassed?
maybe his father was working in company for many many years in was then taken over by a chinese and since you know they are not so productive the father got laid off? after all the good years of living doing nothing, suddenly no more house, no more car, no more money..what hatred he must have
maybe he cannot even compete in this country even with all the handouts and he so jealous that he see most chinese can afford luxury items and he cant? must make him boil..
stop me when i am getting warmer
oh never mind i will keep the rest for another day.
i have to copy all this remarks and show them to my grandchildren in 20 years time when the chinese rule the country and make it part of history like planet of the apes..those were the days when the second class citizen look down on the supposely first class citizen, son of the soil, which cant make anything of their lives and finally lost all political power to the chinese and indians of the country..20 years from now
what if i buy you bah kut teh, if you like liver its there, if you like the intestine, i can get it, you dont like garlic, ok i can tell the seller not to include it.
we can go to the in jalan imbi, klang, ss2, which ever you like..i'll even buy since you dont have money..come on baby
Guardian and Da Real deal,
Can we please now get back to some thinking and interesting discussions please? Let us try to save our wit, intelligence and persuasive powers for "change".
Coming from a family with melayus, china peks, ane-ne, siamese, a myanmarese and a mat salleh, I am certain that diligence or indolence is not a monopoly of any one ethnic group. There are good people and scumbags in every basket of groups.
But if you two need to take the piss out of each other, then I am sure the readers of this blog would appreciate it being done entertainingly (not demeaningly), creatively (not vulgar), and lastly, let's us leave the parents out. The have worked and shrived hard enough.
If you still have to piss each other out - then do it with style! There are an average of 150 visitors per day on this blog and they may conclude that the "guardian-da real deal" banter is indicative of prevailing prejudices that will hamper inter-ethnic understanding and acceptance. Is it?
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