
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sidang Media: Pilihanraya Bebas Keganasan

Hari ini pada pukul 3 petang team Rapera bersama dengan lebih kurang 30 NGO-NGO, peguam-peguam, dan individu-individu berkumpul untuk menyatakan hasrat mereka supaya PRU 13 ini bebas daripada keganasan.

Berikut adalah antara saranan-saranan yang dipersembahkan pada sidang media tersebut:

Disebabkan kesedaran ini serta kecintaan kita pada Negara, kami menyarankan perkara-perkara berikut:-

·        agar calon-calon lebih bertanggungjawab dan menapis ucapan mereka supaya tidak menyentuh perkara-perkara yang berbaur perkauman, agama, peribadi yang tiada kaitan untuk menjatuhkan pihak lain. Ia adalah untuk mengelakkan perselisihan dan politik keganasan berlaku akibat sikap tidak berpuas hati sesetengah pihak lain.

·        Calon-calon harus menampakkan etika dan bertanding dalam suasana sihat tanpa mewujudkan kebencian dalam diri penyokong mereka terhadap calon lain yang bertanding,  sekali gus mengelakkan unsur keganasan.

·        Calon-calon juga harus bertanggung jawab dalam memimpin dan menasihati penyokong-penyokong mereka supaya beradab dan tidak sesekali mencetuskan sebarang provokasi.

·        Kami juga menyarankan supaya dalam pilihan raya ini Islam tidak dipolitikkan sehingga boleh mencetuskan perpecahan diantara rakyat Muslim. Perpecahan dan pergaduhan diantara masyarakat Melayu adalah merbahaya untuk kestabilan negera kerana mereka merupakan populasi yang tertinggi di Negara ini. Sebarang keretakan serius dalam masyarakat Melayu akan memberi kesan buruk kepada Negara amnya.

·        Calon-calon juga diingatkan supaya tidak menghina atau membuat sesuatu yang boleh ditafsir sebagai percubaan untuk meruntuhkan institusi Rakyat yang bertanggunjawab terhadap keamanan Negara seperti Agensi Penguatkuasaan PDRM, SPR, Barisan pertahanan Negara dan lain-lain. Ini adalah penting untuk mengelak sebarang keganasan selepas keputusan pilihanraya diumumkan.

·        Kami menyeru supaya calon-calon fokus kepada isu-isu dan perkara-perkara yang dapat mendatangkan manfaat kepada Rakyat dan Negara daripada membangkitkan isu-isu yang bertujuan untuk menanam perasaan kebencian.

·        Kami difahamkan bahawa agensi penguatkuasa keselamatan negara sudah bersiap sedia untuk memantau dan melakukan segala sesuatu yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang Negara untuk menjaga keselamatan Rakyat amnya. Kami menyokong penuh usaha pasukan keselamatan untuk menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka.

·        Kami juga menyarankan pihak penguatkuasa keselamatan mengambil langkah-langkah awal untuk menepis sebarang rancangan untuk mencetuskan kekecohan jika terdapat intelligence reports dan bertindak dengan tegas dalam lingkungan undang-undang Negara.

·        Pihak SPR juga telah mengeluarkan panduan mengenai etika berkempen dan tatacara kelakuan penyokong. Harap calon-calon baca dan amalkannya.

·        Kami menyeru supaya semua calon-calon membuat kenyataan rasmi mengutuk sebarang keganasan politik serta sebarang tingkah laku intimidasi terhadap sesiapa.

Akhir sekali, kita yang hadir disini yakin bahawa kesemua Rakyat Malaysia mahukan satu proses pilihanraya yang bebas daripada keganasan. Terima kasih juga kepada semua rapera-rapera yang telah berkerja keras dalam masa yang begitu suntuk untuk menjayakan sidang media ini.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Politics and Politicians - George Carlin

Relevant to our society with some modifications?


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pilihanraya atau Silap Mata ?

Menjelang pilihan raya, pelbagai ceramah dianjurkan oleh semua pihak yang bertanding.

Pelbagai isu dibangkitkan kini.

Pelbagai taktik dan kaedah digunakan dan dipersembahan.

Adakah silap mata juga akan timbul? Ada silap mata yang boleh merugikan dan menghancurkan kesejahteraan.

Bagaimana pula peranan fakta dan track record?

Pandai-pandai lah menilai.


Monday, April 22, 2013

DAP Deregistered After PRU ???

Politicians are at it again - manipulating facts to gain public sympathy and VOTES and probably also to prevent the Registrar of Societies to do its job in  accordance with the law, This time, the politicians who are being naughty are from the DAP.

There was a complaint against the election of the CEC members by DAP MEMBERS themselves. The ROS has to investigate as it procedurally should. Since investigations are ongoing, the status of the CEC in the future is therefore uncertain in law. A full inquiry has to be done by ROS to determine whether there is any validity in the complaint by the DAP's members. 

At this moment, TODAY, the CEC has not been declared invalid nor has DAP been deregistered. The Election Commission (SPR) has also recognised the '"rocket" symbol and has allowed tis symbol to be used in this PRU13. NO issue on symbol! Period.

SO, any talk of DAP using another symbol to contest has no basis in law but purely an election tactic to garner sympathy votes and to confuse the voters. It is also aimed to politically associate ROS with BN so as to achieve various objectives - including  to pressure ROS not to act on the complaints by the DAP. I think we should stop having different sets of laws for politicians regardless of from which political party they come from.

It is shameful to use these tactics to trick the ignorant sections of the public to vote for DAP. It surely sounds like dirty politics.

Lets assume that investigations finally show that the CEC was not elected in accordance with the law. There are several possibilities. Lets assume the "worst" possibility - DAP is deregistered (which I doubt). If DAP is deregistered  will it affect the status of the DAP candidates who may have won in PRU13? 

The answer is: NO ! Recall that UMNO was once deregistered and it did not affect the status of the UMNO MPs and Aduns. They still remain as valid members of Parliament and State Assemblies. Let us not forget that independents do not stand on the platform of any political parties. There is no legal prerequisite that an election candidate must belong to a political party - any solo goreng pisang seller also can be a candidate.

Peace !

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

If we do not Vote carefully, we lose and only the Politicians win!

BY now, the Malaysian voters already know who will be the candidates from all sides. Any remaining doubts will be removed on 20th of April, which is the nomination day. Polling day has already been fixed on the 5th of May 2013. Hence from the 20th of April to the midnight of 4th May, we will be witnessing election campaigning from the candidates.

Election campaigning is of course intended to persuade the voters who have yet to decide. It is never influences the hard core supporters of political parties. The hard core supporters owe their loyalty to the party and not to the Rakyat’s interest. There is also another specie of voters who will vote and persuade others to vote based on their narrow, selfish interests. Again, these people will not be influenced by the campaigning period.

To be able to vote wisely, it is important to have as much facts and information as possible about the political parties and the candidates. The more accurate information and facts that you have, the more able you are to make better decision objectively. Unfortunately, most of us are prone to subjectivity, sentiments and emotions – something we should be wary of when we attend election rallies and hear their fiery speeches.

For sure each side will expose the weaknesses and defects of the other side – which is good for the Rakyat to know! The voters then will have to weigh the weaknesses and the strengths to make a decision as to who deserves their vote. There will also be “spinning” and various “tactics” used to influence the voters. We must be able to identify these accurately so that we do not become a victim of misinformation.

The qualification, experience and the overall personality of the candidate is important. It is not just a simple criterion of “new or old faces”, “young or old”, “religious or otherwise”. It has got to be an overall list of items that you may want to include in your own checklist. After all, the bottom line has always been that NO political party has a system that is able to throw up the best of citizens for political leadership. So, we are left with choosing the best from who are available.

At the end of the day, make sure it is the RAKYAT and not the politician that wins.

Good luck in your voting and hope you make the right choice in the interest of our Nation.

Peace !