Law and Order
Any real movement or reforms towards 1Malaysia must necessarily involve tackling fundamental issues in the country. Without fundamental changes to the way we, as a Nation have been looking at things and the way we have been doing it, no real change can take place. Without fundamental changes, it will merely be very short term and worse, cosmetic.
While there has been a call for all sorts of reforms, many forget the pre-requisites for reforms – time, an informed public, maturity and mental acceptance, readiness and willings to embrace the reforms, law and order, etc.
We must also understand the background of our Nation – multiethnic, multicultural, mutlireligious, rural-urban. These complex makeup will necessarily bring about differing understandings of a single act of reform, some even negative perceptions of a positive act of reform. For example, even the concept of 1Malaysia itself may be easily misunderstood or worse, purposely misinterpreted by irresponsible quarters with hidden agendas.
Needless to say, the information mechanism of the Government must be transparent, accessible to the public and as effecient as possible so that firstly, presentation of the reforms are done as clearly as possible and secondly, so that misinformation can be minimised. These are trite requirements.
For more than 3 years now, the political momentum in this country has gone on high gear and not necessarily for the general benefit of the people. In fact, I am of the humble view that the political manuverings are actually exhausting resources and talents in our country and actually hurting the common citizen. Both sides of the political divide appear to be preoccupied with political winnngs rather than the welfare of the people. This has to cease.
In the above premises, and in the light of the current unprecendented political scenario that the country finds itself embroiled in, a firm and just management of law and order is imperative. Without law and order, no reform can be introduced, let alone implemented. This is because, there will always be quarters with vested interests who will attempt to ensure that the reforms do not take off the ground.
While responsible citizens’ comments and responses are relevant and necessary on reforms introduced, the Nation can do without distractive, emotional and irresponsible outbursts by some quarters, especially if they are mischievously couched in ethnic or religious terms. These kind of reactions are not only counter productive but dangerously anti National as it systematically stops the Nation from progressing forward. How do you manage this so that reforms are not frustrated?
Reforms, particularly if they are radical in nature will certainly unsettle some quarters. Often, reforms that are necessary for the long term good of the Nation may involve short term “sacrifices” and disturbance of comfort zones. It is foreseeable that due to these short term effects, the reform proposals may be unpopular among the affected group. It becomes worrisome when such groups are able to manipulate and politicise the reforms such that the reform efforts are scuttled. This becomes totally unjust to the majority common citizen and to the Nation as a whole. Once again, the Rapera has to address how to approach and manage these irresponsible minority, in whatever guise they may present themselves.
We all can accept that to the majority common citizen, democracy seem to imply nothing more than the right to vote every 5 years. After that, the common citizen seems to be at the mercy of politicians on both side of the divide who appear to be doing whatever befits their sustenance of political power under the dubious cry of “democracy”.
As the IGP correctly pointed out, democracy cannot equal “demo-crazy”. Of course the right to assembly peacefully is enshrined in the constitution. Many times in this country, a courteous complaint to the relevant authorities does not seem to work because of the “little napoleon” or “feudal lord” mentality. Hence, some citizens may want to express thier complaint to the rest of the citizens via a public demonstration. I think, within reasonable public policy constraints, this is perfectly acceptable and healthy. In an ironcial way, this is one of the ways “the rakyat can bekerja bersama-sama” the government.
The police, however must maintain law and order. They should, except in exceptional cases, automatically approve permits for assembly and safeguard the rights of these citizens to demonstarte their case peacefully with no or minimal disocmfort to the other citizens. The police should remember that they are equally entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the practice of democracy and constituional provisions. Careful thought should be applied as to how best to allow citizens to express themselves without causing damge to other citizen’s interests and well being. Again, life is about balance.
What about mischief makers in the name of democracy? I think this is one area that should not be politicised and the culprits must be dealt with in accordance with the due process of the law. There must be firm and just management of law and order. We cannot afford a lawless state.
Politicians tend to forget that “democracy” as a system cannot be merely for the benefit of politicians alone for the sole purpose of political power pursuits. Surely the end result of democracy must be the ‘general well being’ of the people. This general well being translated must include the right to live peacefully, right to earn an income, education, etc. as well as the right to exercise responsibility as a citizen of the Nation for the well-being of the nation. In this context, I humbly submit that the exceptional treatment that is perceived to be given to politicians to “flaunt democracy” at the expense of the well being of the People should seriously be addressed. For this you require a professional and objective police force.
It is my concern that if we do not address the issue of firm and just management of law and order, the country may become fragmented into political tribes, reforms will not be allowed to bear fruit, ethnic and religious bigotry will rear its ugly head, and so on. If this happens, then 1Malaysia will merely become “a concept that once was”.
I do not think we want to evolve into a Nation of “rights” without responsibilities. Life is about balance.
Ordinanry citizens should be allowed to live thier life peacefully. There must be firm and just management of law and order to enable this.
The Nation is saved NOT by politicians or citizens but by Saviour citizens or Raperas.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
It is not surprising at all that the UN Review Conference from 20 to 24 April 2009 in Geneva to “assess progress made since the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa” adopted a protective attitude towards one of the most racist states on earth today.
It was obvious long before the Conference began that the United States government and the European Union would not allow any honest scrutiny of Israel’s racist laws and policies vis-a-vis non-Jews. Since the vast majority of the governments participating in the Conference were not prepared to stand up to the US and EU, the UN, through its Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon and its High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, just surrendered to the West. In this regard, it is important to note that in the Durban meeting too, the UN refused to describe Israel as a racist, apartheid state--- in spite of NGO insistence.
It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend that Israel is not a racist, apartheid state. Its ‘Law of Return’ for instance which encourages Jews from any part of the world to settle in Israel and acquire citizenship is blatantly discriminatory especially when one recalls that the Israeli government denies five million Palestinian refugees their right to return to their land, as provided for in international law. There are also polices on land and house ownership which are biased against Palestinians and other Arabs. Even in the use of water from the West Bank, Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Jews in Israel are allotted almost 12 times as much water per person as the Palestinians who also pay more for the precious commodity. The confiscation of Palestinian agricultural land which is then transferred to Israeli settlers, and the destruction of Palestinian orchards are further testimonies to discrimination and racism. There are roads which are for exclusive Israeli use just as the Wall that separates Jewish settlements in the West Bank from the Palestinian population and the creation of Palestinian enclaves are reminiscent of apartheid South Africa in the decades before the demise of the White supremacist regime in the early nineties.
It is because racism has been widespread in Israel since the very establishment of the State in 1948 that the late Professor Israel Shahak, one of Israel’s most outstanding human rights advocates, once noted that “ the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of the term. In this state people are discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way and in the most important areas of life, only because of their origin. This racist discrimination began in Zionism and is carried out today mainly in co-operation with the institutions of the Zionist Movement.”
More recently, even former US president, Jimmy Carter in his book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid observes that the policy now being followed is “ a system of apartheid, with two peoples occupying the same land but completely separated from each other, with Israelis totally dominant and suppressing violence by depriving Palestinians of their basic rights.”
At the root of Israeli apartheid and racism is political Zionism which as it evolved demanded an exclusive Jewish state and justified the eventual eviction and expulsion of Palestinians “ because they were barbarians.” There was also a strong streak of chauvinism in political Zionism which saw Zionist occupation of Palestine as God’s gift to God’s “chosen people”.
It was this political Zionism which since 1948 has been the official ideology of the state of Israel that the UN General Assembly (UNGA) condemned as a form of racism and racial discrimination in 1975. 16 years later the US used its new found influence and authority following the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union to coax the UNGA to rescind its Zionism-Racism resolution. Only 25 member states of the UN--- including Malaysia--- voted to retain the equation between Zionism and Racism.
However, political Zionism linked to the state of Israel should be distinguished from Zionism as a cultural and spiritual movement concerned with the sufferings of the Jewish people in history. Indeed, neither Israeli racism nor Israeli apartheid in the contemporary period diminishes the significance of Jewish suffering or the magnitude of the holocaust as the culmination of centuries of racial discrimination in Christian Europe against the Jews as a people. What is tragic is that the
descendants of the victims of racism in an earlier epoch have now become the perpetrators of apartheid targeting another people in another civilisation.
It is also important to emphasise that Judaism in its essence has nothing to do with the racist policies of the state of Israel. In fact, there are elements of universalism and inclusiveness in Judaism which repudiate aspects of political Zionism and the apartheid structures of present-day Israel. There are many Jews within and without Israel, in the past and the present, who would not only make these
distinctions between Judaism, political Zionism and Israel, but who have also adopted principled positions against the racism of the Israeli State. Apart from Shahak, the late Tanya Reinhart, Ilan Pappe and Marc Ellis are some of the names that come to mind.
It is these and other ‘Jews of Conscience’ who are the beacons of hope in the struggle against racism and racial discrimination in Israel.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and Noordin Sopiee Professor of Global Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
26 April 2009.
It is not surprising at all that the UN Review Conference from 20 to 24 April 2009 in Geneva to “assess progress made since the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa” adopted a protective attitude towards one of the most racist states on earth today.
It was obvious long before the Conference began that the United States government and the European Union would not allow any honest scrutiny of Israel’s racist laws and policies vis-a-vis non-Jews. Since the vast majority of the governments participating in the Conference were not prepared to stand up to the US and EU, the UN, through its Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon and its High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, just surrendered to the West. In this regard, it is important to note that in the Durban meeting too, the UN refused to describe Israel as a racist, apartheid state--- in spite of NGO insistence.
It is the height of hypocrisy to pretend that Israel is not a racist, apartheid state. Its ‘Law of Return’ for instance which encourages Jews from any part of the world to settle in Israel and acquire citizenship is blatantly discriminatory especially when one recalls that the Israeli government denies five million Palestinian refugees their right to return to their land, as provided for in international law. There are also polices on land and house ownership which are biased against Palestinians and other Arabs. Even in the use of water from the West Bank, Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Jews in Israel are allotted almost 12 times as much water per person as the Palestinians who also pay more for the precious commodity. The confiscation of Palestinian agricultural land which is then transferred to Israeli settlers, and the destruction of Palestinian orchards are further testimonies to discrimination and racism. There are roads which are for exclusive Israeli use just as the Wall that separates Jewish settlements in the West Bank from the Palestinian population and the creation of Palestinian enclaves are reminiscent of apartheid South Africa in the decades before the demise of the White supremacist regime in the early nineties.
It is because racism has been widespread in Israel since the very establishment of the State in 1948 that the late Professor Israel Shahak, one of Israel’s most outstanding human rights advocates, once noted that “ the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of the term. In this state people are discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way and in the most important areas of life, only because of their origin. This racist discrimination began in Zionism and is carried out today mainly in co-operation with the institutions of the Zionist Movement.”
More recently, even former US president, Jimmy Carter in his book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid observes that the policy now being followed is “ a system of apartheid, with two peoples occupying the same land but completely separated from each other, with Israelis totally dominant and suppressing violence by depriving Palestinians of their basic rights.”
At the root of Israeli apartheid and racism is political Zionism which as it evolved demanded an exclusive Jewish state and justified the eventual eviction and expulsion of Palestinians “ because they were barbarians.” There was also a strong streak of chauvinism in political Zionism which saw Zionist occupation of Palestine as God’s gift to God’s “chosen people”.
It was this political Zionism which since 1948 has been the official ideology of the state of Israel that the UN General Assembly (UNGA) condemned as a form of racism and racial discrimination in 1975. 16 years later the US used its new found influence and authority following the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union to coax the UNGA to rescind its Zionism-Racism resolution. Only 25 member states of the UN--- including Malaysia--- voted to retain the equation between Zionism and Racism.
However, political Zionism linked to the state of Israel should be distinguished from Zionism as a cultural and spiritual movement concerned with the sufferings of the Jewish people in history. Indeed, neither Israeli racism nor Israeli apartheid in the contemporary period diminishes the significance of Jewish suffering or the magnitude of the holocaust as the culmination of centuries of racial discrimination in Christian Europe against the Jews as a people. What is tragic is that the
descendants of the victims of racism in an earlier epoch have now become the perpetrators of apartheid targeting another people in another civilisation.
It is also important to emphasise that Judaism in its essence has nothing to do with the racist policies of the state of Israel. In fact, there are elements of universalism and inclusiveness in Judaism which repudiate aspects of political Zionism and the apartheid structures of present-day Israel. There are many Jews within and without Israel, in the past and the present, who would not only make these
distinctions between Judaism, political Zionism and Israel, but who have also adopted principled positions against the racism of the Israeli State. Apart from Shahak, the late Tanya Reinhart, Ilan Pappe and Marc Ellis are some of the names that come to mind.
It is these and other ‘Jews of Conscience’ who are the beacons of hope in the struggle against racism and racial discrimination in Israel.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and Noordin Sopiee Professor of Global Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
26 April 2009.
Sunday, April 26, 2009

So there has been announcements and appointments. The cabinet has been announced. The UMNO supreme council appointees and office bearers have been appointed. Next, logically should come the "changes" in the GLCs, other government institutions and especially the CIVIL SERVICE.
The concept of 1Malaysia has been announced.
People are now evaluating pronouncements, appointments and announcements with FOLLOW-UPs and actual RESULTS. People now wait - anxiously. Of course it cannot get worse than the Abdullah era but that is no consolation.
Of course everyone cannot be pleased with the appointments. But the Rakyat have voiced and are voicing. They are displeased with some things. Some find that "change" may not necessary mean "change". Differences of opinion. But does UMNO recognise which opinions matter? I have known UMNO to underestimate those outside its fold for too long.
It is just sad for UMNO if it still lives in its little world and uses its own yardstick, especially if the yardstick has jagged edges. I know that there is still a tendency for UMNO to think of itself as indestructible, a thought that should be completely alien to Muslims as only Allah is eternal.
People wait and I see fog on the horizon. Why?
Let us see what May has to unfold. It is just a feeling.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, UMNO President's recent announcement of the supreme council appointees, official bearers and the UMNO State chiefs clearly show one thing - Najib has opted for the practical and wise choice of both continuity and change.
A total change may plunge UMNO into a shock and change which does not help to strengthen UMNO is of no use to the party. Clearly noticeable is the appointment of wanita representatives into the supreme council which will immediately strengthen the wanita wing.
Equally noticeable is the appointment of fresh and young people like YB Hj Ahmad Mazlan, YB Datuk Ahmad Husni and others. Ahmad Mazlan, for example is intelligent and it is expected that he will be instrumental in the dissemination of accurate and useful information about UMNO to the people. In this age of disinformation in politics, this is an important role.
The other noticeable thing is that Najib's team does not include any "parachuting". All the appointees are people who have served and contributed to UMNO for many number of good years. This will augur well for the party's struggle.
You can get the names of the appointees here and the list of supreme council members elected here.
Only time will tell if the new "President's Men" will bring UMNO out of the disrepute it has fallen into in the past 5 years.
UMNO must remember that as the main backbone of the Government, its relevance to the general well being of the Rakyat will be the most paramount consideration.
A total change may plunge UMNO into a shock and change which does not help to strengthen UMNO is of no use to the party. Clearly noticeable is the appointment of wanita representatives into the supreme council which will immediately strengthen the wanita wing.
Equally noticeable is the appointment of fresh and young people like YB Hj Ahmad Mazlan, YB Datuk Ahmad Husni and others. Ahmad Mazlan, for example is intelligent and it is expected that he will be instrumental in the dissemination of accurate and useful information about UMNO to the people. In this age of disinformation in politics, this is an important role.
The other noticeable thing is that Najib's team does not include any "parachuting". All the appointees are people who have served and contributed to UMNO for many number of good years. This will augur well for the party's struggle.
You can get the names of the appointees here and the list of supreme council members elected here.
Only time will tell if the new "President's Men" will bring UMNO out of the disrepute it has fallen into in the past 5 years.
UMNO must remember that as the main backbone of the Government, its relevance to the general well being of the Rakyat will be the most paramount consideration.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tun Dr Mahathir as National Economic Adviser?
There is a need for the immediate formation of a National Economic Council to not only counter the economic slowdown, but also to study and propose advance solutions for economic growth and speedy recovery. We require long term perspectives that can look at fundamentals instead of merely focusing on problems at an ad hoc basis. I am of the view that if the fundamentals are not addressed, any short term solution may only aggravate the future. The roots of the “economic system” must be scrutinized and we have to start to customize a workable system. Such a task cannot be undertaken by the Ministry of Finance alone for obvious practical reasons.
A critical part of the path towards recovery is business and investor confidence. Any economist will tell that you positive speculations invariably end up as positive realities. When people speculate that the economy will recover, they will behave accordingly with their resources which in turn will spur the economy towards recovery.
A few bankers and businessmen that I have been meeting for the past week seem to strongly echo the need for the Government to appoint a National Economic Advisor who is not only capable and experienced but whose appointment will instantly create confidence in the business sector. The name that consistently pops up is: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia.
They argue that Dr Mahathir has the relevant politico-economic experience and the necessary respect from the industry players, both locally and internationally, to take him seriously. Respect is a key factor. He also has the passion and drive to move things. They point out that Mahathir is thorough in his work and this is important in understanding properly what went wrong and what should be put in place.
They cite the unconventional manner in which the Asian economic crisis in 1998 resulting from currency speculation was successfully handled by Dr Mahathir. They say that Dr Mahathir’s crisis management was correct in one central and critical respect - He opted for a counter-cyclical thrust in opposition to the International Monetary Fund and the market’s pro-cyclical preferences. His capital controls in September 1998 attracted commendation, even from his critics.
As Prime Minster, he had sailed through several recessionary periods and economic crisises. In general. They argue that Dr Mahathir’s credentials justify his appointment as National Economic Adviser.

I had the opportunity to meet up with Dr Mahathir recently. His mind is as sharp as usual and he has that great ability to grasp facts and complex issues and then simply them into manageable parameters! It will be a waste not to use his vast experience and knowledge towards national service (if he is persuaded).
A critical part of the path towards recovery is business and investor confidence. Any economist will tell that you positive speculations invariably end up as positive realities. When people speculate that the economy will recover, they will behave accordingly with their resources which in turn will spur the economy towards recovery.
A few bankers and businessmen that I have been meeting for the past week seem to strongly echo the need for the Government to appoint a National Economic Advisor who is not only capable and experienced but whose appointment will instantly create confidence in the business sector. The name that consistently pops up is: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia.
They argue that Dr Mahathir has the relevant politico-economic experience and the necessary respect from the industry players, both locally and internationally, to take him seriously. Respect is a key factor. He also has the passion and drive to move things. They point out that Mahathir is thorough in his work and this is important in understanding properly what went wrong and what should be put in place.
They cite the unconventional manner in which the Asian economic crisis in 1998 resulting from currency speculation was successfully handled by Dr Mahathir. They say that Dr Mahathir’s crisis management was correct in one central and critical respect - He opted for a counter-cyclical thrust in opposition to the International Monetary Fund and the market’s pro-cyclical preferences. His capital controls in September 1998 attracted commendation, even from his critics.
As Prime Minster, he had sailed through several recessionary periods and economic crisises. In general. They argue that Dr Mahathir’s credentials justify his appointment as National Economic Adviser.

I had the opportunity to meet up with Dr Mahathir recently. His mind is as sharp as usual and he has that great ability to grasp facts and complex issues and then simply them into manageable parameters! It will be a waste not to use his vast experience and knowledge towards national service (if he is persuaded).
Jon pour do care, a Rapera has this story to share:
Once had an uncle who was in the horse racing bizness (and also a horse trainer !). Used to get some 'pep talk' about life from him when I was a teenager. Remembered one day, we had this conversation about man's sins:-
Uncle: If you're a drinker, how much can you drink in one nite ?
Me: Not much ! Would puke !
Uncle: If you're a womanizer, how many women can you 'take' in one nite ?
Me : Not many ! Would 'drop dead' after that !
Uncle: If you're a gambler and gambling and loosing, how much can your loss be in one nite ?
Me: Everything I guess !
Well the morale of the story.................!
Once had an uncle who was in the horse racing bizness (and also a horse trainer !). Used to get some 'pep talk' about life from him when I was a teenager. Remembered one day, we had this conversation about man's sins:-
Uncle: If you're a drinker, how much can you drink in one nite ?
Me: Not much ! Would puke !
Uncle: If you're a womanizer, how many women can you 'take' in one nite ?
Me : Not many ! Would 'drop dead' after that !
Uncle: If you're a gambler and gambling and loosing, how much can your loss be in one nite ?
Me: Everything I guess !
Well the morale of the story.................!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stephen Doss of Pemuda Negara joins the call for war against one-arm bandits !
You may read his interesting article here.
I understand more bloggers will be posting articles and supporting the move to return Malaysia to a kinder level by removing access to cruel addiction to one arm bandits.
You may read his interesting article here.
I understand more bloggers will be posting articles and supporting the move to return Malaysia to a kinder level by removing access to cruel addiction to one arm bandits.
Listen up Government. Start caring. Nobody in politics wants to talk about it. why? Because it affects normal people like you and me.
Anas Zubedy shares his personal experience and writes:
"Once my Yed lamented that he so wished that the government can ban all gambling in this country. He wanted to stop the behaviour so much but he is so afraid that the day he stopped, his 4711 and all those numbers he was following all those years may just pop as a winning one. If gambling is banned, he need not worry about it. He need not worry about social welfare lotteries too!"
Continue reading Anas Zubedy here.
Do read outsyedthebox.
Anas Zubedy shares his personal experience and writes:
"Once my Yed lamented that he so wished that the government can ban all gambling in this country. He wanted to stop the behaviour so much but he is so afraid that the day he stopped, his 4711 and all those numbers he was following all those years may just pop as a winning one. If gambling is banned, he need not worry about it. He need not worry about social welfare lotteries too!"
Continue reading Anas Zubedy here.
Do read outsyedthebox.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Looks like this is gaining attention since the past few years, what with along problems, "secret exchange of monies" and the ordinary homes being wrecked.
Two cabinet members I had independently chatted with raised the subject of exercising control over the machines. They apparently had read my writing on the killer industries.
We'll see what takes precedence - $$$$ or the social fabric !
For further, you may it read it at bigdogdotcom.
Two cabinet members I had independently chatted with raised the subject of exercising control over the machines. They apparently had read my writing on the killer industries.
We'll see what takes precedence - $$$$ or the social fabric !
For further, you may it read it at bigdogdotcom.
We have heard of speeches and exhortations by political leaders on unity and the dangers of racism and religious extremism for so long.
Probably we must have done some things right to be able to live together for so long, some of us even fall in love with each other and get married transcending racial, religious and cultural barriers, and so on.
But more needs to be done at the STREET LEVEL - meaning at the level that affects REAL PEOPLE, not just at elitist discussions and forums or at political rallies or on events such as Merdeka Day, Festival Days, New Year and so on.
Najib spoke right about the BN's approach to taking that step - each component party while looking at the interests of its members, must rise up that higher ground of championing the rights of "others", though not from their own party.
Eg: would it not be a breath of fresh air if MCA "protests" against violation of any "Malay rights?"
eg UMNO steps in to protect the legitimate rights of the person who has CONVERTED OUT OF ISLAM (what a sensitive issue!). Actually, people's lives cannot be swept under the carpet on grounds of sensitivity for at the bottom line - we each only have ONE life. There is no reason why yours should be less important than mine.
BN as a party itself is in a position to address the concerns of all ALL MALAYSIANS irrespective of differences in social construct, be ther racial, religious, cultural, etc. It has a good formula and what is needed is the courage, COMPASSION, and persistence to push through the LIFESTYLE of Malaysians.
I fear that good exhortations without concrete steps to remove things that divide Malaysians will not be helpful. On the contrary, hypocritical statements by political leaders will not only invite negative backlash, it will be counter productive to national acceptance of each other( one of the values of Najib's 1Malaysia concept).
As Wong Chun Wai of the Star pointed out, self restraint is a virtue in moving towards honest acceptance of each other.
"For 1Malaysia to work, our politicians, including ministers, need to exercise plenty of self-restraint. They cannot spew racist remarks to become champions of their races, and then talk about national unity. The days of talking to different audiences and expecting such double talk not to reach the ears of other communities are over".
Yes, we can bring down racial barriers and we must if we want to stand before God and say that we are all His Creations/ "His Children".
Probably we must have done some things right to be able to live together for so long, some of us even fall in love with each other and get married transcending racial, religious and cultural barriers, and so on.
But more needs to be done at the STREET LEVEL - meaning at the level that affects REAL PEOPLE, not just at elitist discussions and forums or at political rallies or on events such as Merdeka Day, Festival Days, New Year and so on.
Najib spoke right about the BN's approach to taking that step - each component party while looking at the interests of its members, must rise up that higher ground of championing the rights of "others", though not from their own party.
Eg: would it not be a breath of fresh air if MCA "protests" against violation of any "Malay rights?"
eg UMNO steps in to protect the legitimate rights of the person who has CONVERTED OUT OF ISLAM (what a sensitive issue!). Actually, people's lives cannot be swept under the carpet on grounds of sensitivity for at the bottom line - we each only have ONE life. There is no reason why yours should be less important than mine.
BN as a party itself is in a position to address the concerns of all ALL MALAYSIANS irrespective of differences in social construct, be ther racial, religious, cultural, etc. It has a good formula and what is needed is the courage, COMPASSION, and persistence to push through the LIFESTYLE of Malaysians.
I fear that good exhortations without concrete steps to remove things that divide Malaysians will not be helpful. On the contrary, hypocritical statements by political leaders will not only invite negative backlash, it will be counter productive to national acceptance of each other( one of the values of Najib's 1Malaysia concept).
As Wong Chun Wai of the Star pointed out, self restraint is a virtue in moving towards honest acceptance of each other.
"For 1Malaysia to work, our politicians, including ministers, need to exercise plenty of self-restraint. They cannot spew racist remarks to become champions of their races, and then talk about national unity. The days of talking to different audiences and expecting such double talk not to reach the ears of other communities are over".
Yes, we can bring down racial barriers and we must if we want to stand before God and say that we are all His Creations/ "His Children".
Monday, April 20, 2009
What are "norms" of society and how do we know our standards are high, low or plain mediocre? Majority need not equal right or truth.
One upon a time there was Kingdom which was ruled by a King. This King took advice from a council of elders on matters. There was one well in the Kingdom which supplied drinking water to all his subjects, including the palace. You may continue reading here
One upon a time there was Kingdom which was ruled by a King. This King took advice from a council of elders on matters. There was one well in the Kingdom which supplied drinking water to all his subjects, including the palace. You may continue reading here
One of the fundamental duty of a responsible Government is to provide adequate, comfortable and affordable homes to its citizens. When one speaks of housing policies, many factors come into play, inter alia:
1. Size of the house
2. Environment (many “taman perumahan” are not only not tamans but not even reseidential in nature.
3. Price of the house – affordable and fair.
4. Availability of Financing and the cost of financing
5. “racial makeup” of the residents,
6. placement and role of places of worship in residential areas (unique to Malaysia)
7. Availability of the local, friendly grocery store (as opposed to mega malls!)
8. Exit and entry routes including infrastructural support.
I must confess that I have never been happy with the housing policy (if there is one) thus far. I say this from my observation of the manner in which houses are built in this country with complete or no regard for future developments around the area. One gets the feeling that somewhere along the way, the main criteria was profits and “under table” for all those who are linked to the housing industry. There are many, many low-cost houses that are abandoned (terbengkalai) where the literally poor house buyers are still stuck with servicing the loans of houses that will never be built! What has this got to do with 1Malaysia you may ask?
Well, 1Malaysia will never be achieved if the government is not sensitive to the broadening income disparities among the Rakyat. I really feel that the low and the lower middle income group are not taken care of adequately or at least there is no proper planning done to address the problems that they face. Beginning from the inhumane size of the so-called low cost houses and apartments and to the social problems that such housing sizes must create, they appear to be caught in a spiral and a vicious circle. I have seen such potential time bombs of low income areas covering almost all the major ethnic community of Malaysia. Very soon, these low income groups, if left unaddressed will be a cause of class division. Lets us not forget that they from the broadest section of the society.
While on this subject, I feel that the price of houses are artificially high because houses that are meant to be for shelter have become assets for business by those in the real estate business. Shouldn’t there be control over these, since housing is an essential need of the People?
The Minister in charge has an excellent opportunity to come up with creative policies and ideas to make residential areas as enclaves or examples of 1Malaysia lifestyle.
1. Size of the house
2. Environment (many “taman perumahan” are not only not tamans but not even reseidential in nature.
3. Price of the house – affordable and fair.
4. Availability of Financing and the cost of financing
5. “racial makeup” of the residents,
6. placement and role of places of worship in residential areas (unique to Malaysia)
7. Availability of the local, friendly grocery store (as opposed to mega malls!)
8. Exit and entry routes including infrastructural support.
I must confess that I have never been happy with the housing policy (if there is one) thus far. I say this from my observation of the manner in which houses are built in this country with complete or no regard for future developments around the area. One gets the feeling that somewhere along the way, the main criteria was profits and “under table” for all those who are linked to the housing industry. There are many, many low-cost houses that are abandoned (terbengkalai) where the literally poor house buyers are still stuck with servicing the loans of houses that will never be built! What has this got to do with 1Malaysia you may ask?
Well, 1Malaysia will never be achieved if the government is not sensitive to the broadening income disparities among the Rakyat. I really feel that the low and the lower middle income group are not taken care of adequately or at least there is no proper planning done to address the problems that they face. Beginning from the inhumane size of the so-called low cost houses and apartments and to the social problems that such housing sizes must create, they appear to be caught in a spiral and a vicious circle. I have seen such potential time bombs of low income areas covering almost all the major ethnic community of Malaysia. Very soon, these low income groups, if left unaddressed will be a cause of class division. Lets us not forget that they from the broadest section of the society.
While on this subject, I feel that the price of houses are artificially high because houses that are meant to be for shelter have become assets for business by those in the real estate business. Shouldn’t there be control over these, since housing is an essential need of the People?
The Minister in charge has an excellent opportunity to come up with creative policies and ideas to make residential areas as enclaves or examples of 1Malaysia lifestyle.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Najib Sir, I agree with you !
The PM, Dato Seri Najib lamented at the cost the By-elections are costing the Rakyat. Apart from the economic cost, there are also social costs and other intangible costs that just does not justify holding by-elections after by-elections.
I agree with the PM. Tak payah bertanding lah. Too costly and senseless game this resigning from posts for no apparent reason and then some candidate from the same party recontesting again.
On another note, welcome back YB Eli Wong. I think Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim did the right thing by NOT accepting her resignation though one MP from PKR who fancies himself as the "Islamic ayatollah" thinks Khalid was wrong in rejecting Eli's resignation. Since when did Islam ever punish the victim? But then again, this is Malaysia. Like everything else, even in making statements on Islam, politicians have special privileges that ordinary Rakyat like you and me do not enjoy!
I agree with the PM. Tak payah bertanding lah. Too costly and senseless game this resigning from posts for no apparent reason and then some candidate from the same party recontesting again.
On another note, welcome back YB Eli Wong. I think Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim did the right thing by NOT accepting her resignation though one MP from PKR who fancies himself as the "Islamic ayatollah" thinks Khalid was wrong in rejecting Eli's resignation. Since when did Islam ever punish the victim? But then again, this is Malaysia. Like everything else, even in making statements on Islam, politicians have special privileges that ordinary Rakyat like you and me do not enjoy!
Bank Negara: Ensuring Access To Financing
I think the Governor of Negara, Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz got it right when she said that the main issue now (in the face of the global economic crisis) is NOT the cost of borrowing but the issue of access to financing.
The various moves by Bank Negara lately are to be applauded and I believe will have a great impact on cushioning the effect of the crisis on our economy and possibly even help early recovery. One noticeable move by Bank Negara was the lowering of the BLR, at a historic low. This has greatly assisted consumers in paying lower interest rates on things such as housing loan. With this savings in interest rate, the ordinary citizen now has more disposal income. Apart from reducing his burden, he may now divert his extra income to other services and products, thereby increasing demand which is good for economic recovery. I notice that Banks like Standard Chartered are among the early ones to automatically respond to the reduced BLR by reducing the interest rates in their housing loan statements.
Good start Zeti! I do hope however the private banks understand Zeti's desire to ensure greater access to financing by actually ensuring greater access to financing. The private Banks need to revise their so-called check lists (which has never served them well anyway, judging from the kind of "losses" they seem to be reporting") and actually learn to understand the business of their respective potential clients.
I have seen potential businesses never getting off the ground because the initial "clever" young assessing officer does not understand the business of the respective client and does not support the loan application. Even some board members, who supposedly sit in to decide on a loan application are not well versed with the business that is applying for the loan. This is counter productive to the creation of a productive and vibrant economy. Private Banks have to learn to evaluate businesses on a case by case basis and not use one standard operating procedure for all.
Private Banks also have to play a major active role in strengthening the economy and not be merely profit driven as they conventionally are. After all, they are an oligopoly and the consumer really does not have much choice in the terms and conditions of the loan they offer.
Private Banks must learn to balance their profit motive with the more important objective of nation building. Creativity and wise courage is needed.
SMEs are important as fundamental bases of the economy and this is one sector that the Banks must help develop. Surely the "qualifications" of clients of this nature should be different from the multi-biilion dollar borrowers. I really wish Banks will wake up and form new relationships with SME borrowers instead of merely the conventional lender-borrower relationship. However, I often find many textbook bankers who lack total creativity and common sense and consequently, many SMEs are unable to take off.
Time taken in the approval and assessment of a loan application is of the essence. This means Banks should not take too long to assess a loan.
Credit cards should follow suit with interest rate adjustments so that they remain not only market sensitive but act in the national interest in helping out the economy. Credit card companies should reassess their relationship and approach with their customers more positively and creatively. We should all have learnt something from the financial crisis.
I cannot help noticing how a political leadership change seem to bring out the best in institutions and professionals within the GOvernment. I hope this "new found attitude" will eventually spread to the civil service and other sectors of the Government.
The various moves by Bank Negara lately are to be applauded and I believe will have a great impact on cushioning the effect of the crisis on our economy and possibly even help early recovery. One noticeable move by Bank Negara was the lowering of the BLR, at a historic low. This has greatly assisted consumers in paying lower interest rates on things such as housing loan. With this savings in interest rate, the ordinary citizen now has more disposal income. Apart from reducing his burden, he may now divert his extra income to other services and products, thereby increasing demand which is good for economic recovery. I notice that Banks like Standard Chartered are among the early ones to automatically respond to the reduced BLR by reducing the interest rates in their housing loan statements.
Good start Zeti! I do hope however the private banks understand Zeti's desire to ensure greater access to financing by actually ensuring greater access to financing. The private Banks need to revise their so-called check lists (which has never served them well anyway, judging from the kind of "losses" they seem to be reporting") and actually learn to understand the business of their respective potential clients.
I have seen potential businesses never getting off the ground because the initial "clever" young assessing officer does not understand the business of the respective client and does not support the loan application. Even some board members, who supposedly sit in to decide on a loan application are not well versed with the business that is applying for the loan. This is counter productive to the creation of a productive and vibrant economy. Private Banks have to learn to evaluate businesses on a case by case basis and not use one standard operating procedure for all.
Private Banks also have to play a major active role in strengthening the economy and not be merely profit driven as they conventionally are. After all, they are an oligopoly and the consumer really does not have much choice in the terms and conditions of the loan they offer.
Private Banks must learn to balance their profit motive with the more important objective of nation building. Creativity and wise courage is needed.
SMEs are important as fundamental bases of the economy and this is one sector that the Banks must help develop. Surely the "qualifications" of clients of this nature should be different from the multi-biilion dollar borrowers. I really wish Banks will wake up and form new relationships with SME borrowers instead of merely the conventional lender-borrower relationship. However, I often find many textbook bankers who lack total creativity and common sense and consequently, many SMEs are unable to take off.
Time taken in the approval and assessment of a loan application is of the essence. This means Banks should not take too long to assess a loan.
Credit cards should follow suit with interest rate adjustments so that they remain not only market sensitive but act in the national interest in helping out the economy. Credit card companies should reassess their relationship and approach with their customers more positively and creatively. We should all have learnt something from the financial crisis.
I cannot help noticing how a political leadership change seem to bring out the best in institutions and professionals within the GOvernment. I hope this "new found attitude" will eventually spread to the civil service and other sectors of the Government.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I realize that there has been no in depth thinking done on our “education policies”. The fact that our education policy has failed to create a general Malaysian awareness and sense of unity among the Rakyat is evident from the various complaints of polarization that has occurred in our schools and especially in our universities. After 50 years of Merdeka, today people are saying that there is greater “divisiveness” among the people, though we are able to live peacefully among us.
I do believe that a few of us, no matter what, choose to be racists and bigoted religionists (Some comments on this blog testify to this). These people cannot think beyond their noses and can never see the goodness of other people who belong in another social construct. There are such FEW people in our midst and they will be here forever as a challenge to the majority who want to evolve into human beings. Hence, you hear some people still saying “Malays” are lazy and greedy as though ALL Malays are such Same thing about “Chinese” being wealthy and materialistic as though ALL Chinese are.
And in these discussions, I seldom hear this particular Chinese or Malay or Indian or etc talking about Orang Asli rights, Iban rights, Kadazan rights, etc. Why, these people do not even think about the “rights” of the millions of immigrant workers who are in our midst. I suppose to these people, because the Bangladeshi, the Indonesians, the Filipinos, Chinese, etc workers are not Malaysians, they therefore cease to be humans! If you understand what I am saying, I am asking you to look into yourself before you even condemn people, who in their own small way, try very hard to create an awareness that we can all evolve into human beings.
But of course, what I am hoping for is a tall order. People never want to blame themselves for the condition or the mindset that they chose to have. Have we ever thought that in the same condition, two people will behave very differently? Since asking people to look into themselves is a “tall order” let me now return to the more tolerable external topic of “education policy”.
I really do not know if there is a comprehensive education policy in our country. My feeling is that it has all been ad hoc to achieve ad hoc objectives, mostly influenced by politics. For example, at one time there was a mad rush to push students into the science stream even if the student is not interested in it. Pushing students into the science stream may not bad in itself but the further thought of where these students are going to absorbed in their working life has never been thought out. Courses are introduced without a thought for the future. Syllabuses are weak and inappropriate and one wonders why.
Today, we have vernacular schools, National schools, religious schools (sekolah agama), sekolah pondok, private schools, international schools, etc. All these are attended by children from ages 7 to 17, the formative years. Do you not then expect diversity? Diversity in itself is fine but what if the diversity leads to isolation of those from these schools from each other? Is that good? Is that not what is happening today? Is it not about time that we came up with a solution to prevent the breeding of isolation from so early an age among our children? Where is the cohesive, comprehensive education policy?
(How dare we even dare to talk about unity when we deliberately segregate them at so young an age? Do we not have any sense of shame? Or maybe what we are really concerned about is our “rights” - when what we actually mean is our share of the cake, our own culture, our own religion, our own language, our, our, our, our, our. Shame!)
Next, we will want to know what the objective of the education policy is. Does anyone know? Looking at the nature of material (I will not call it knowledge), taught in our schools and the manner of examinations that are conducted, I think it is fair to say that we are at least, creating parrots, unthinking citizens. Do you realize that today there are so many students getting so many As? It looks like this country is mass-producing geniuses and yet we encounter poor quality graduates. The education “planners” seem to have forgotten that “academic brilliance is no substitute for poverty of character”. I wish those who should will sit down and try thinking for a change – think about what our education policy objective should be. We do not want a repeat of the maths-science in English or Malay or Punjabi type of debate anymore. It is embarrassing and demeaning to a thinking person.
Thirdly, the politicization of education MUST stop. The first step to do this is to remove people on the “board of education” policy those who have hidden agendas. The only agenda permissible in education is to “educate” and to teach skills. Such politicization of education has led to lies in the textbooks, “doctored”, dishonest “theses”, propaganda at its worst and so on. There must be a total reform of the education system, syllabuses, materials, etc. Educational opportunities should be available to all Malaysians.
There are of course many “purposes” of an education policy. Quite apart from the obvious one of “educating”, it must also be geared towards the creation of a sense of true humanity, and Malaysian-ness. We have to move away from the emphasis on superficiality and zero in into substance.
People today are quite tired of meaningless symbols and superficialities. In the field of education, we need courageous leaders who will move into the “substance of education”. If the current Government does not even want to address this point, they can forget about achieving 1Malaysia. It may be a case of taking one step forward and three steps back.
I do believe that a few of us, no matter what, choose to be racists and bigoted religionists (Some comments on this blog testify to this). These people cannot think beyond their noses and can never see the goodness of other people who belong in another social construct. There are such FEW people in our midst and they will be here forever as a challenge to the majority who want to evolve into human beings. Hence, you hear some people still saying “Malays” are lazy and greedy as though ALL Malays are such Same thing about “Chinese” being wealthy and materialistic as though ALL Chinese are.
And in these discussions, I seldom hear this particular Chinese or Malay or Indian or etc talking about Orang Asli rights, Iban rights, Kadazan rights, etc. Why, these people do not even think about the “rights” of the millions of immigrant workers who are in our midst. I suppose to these people, because the Bangladeshi, the Indonesians, the Filipinos, Chinese, etc workers are not Malaysians, they therefore cease to be humans! If you understand what I am saying, I am asking you to look into yourself before you even condemn people, who in their own small way, try very hard to create an awareness that we can all evolve into human beings.
But of course, what I am hoping for is a tall order. People never want to blame themselves for the condition or the mindset that they chose to have. Have we ever thought that in the same condition, two people will behave very differently? Since asking people to look into themselves is a “tall order” let me now return to the more tolerable external topic of “education policy”.
I really do not know if there is a comprehensive education policy in our country. My feeling is that it has all been ad hoc to achieve ad hoc objectives, mostly influenced by politics. For example, at one time there was a mad rush to push students into the science stream even if the student is not interested in it. Pushing students into the science stream may not bad in itself but the further thought of where these students are going to absorbed in their working life has never been thought out. Courses are introduced without a thought for the future. Syllabuses are weak and inappropriate and one wonders why.
Today, we have vernacular schools, National schools, religious schools (sekolah agama), sekolah pondok, private schools, international schools, etc. All these are attended by children from ages 7 to 17, the formative years. Do you not then expect diversity? Diversity in itself is fine but what if the diversity leads to isolation of those from these schools from each other? Is that good? Is that not what is happening today? Is it not about time that we came up with a solution to prevent the breeding of isolation from so early an age among our children? Where is the cohesive, comprehensive education policy?
(How dare we even dare to talk about unity when we deliberately segregate them at so young an age? Do we not have any sense of shame? Or maybe what we are really concerned about is our “rights” - when what we actually mean is our share of the cake, our own culture, our own religion, our own language, our, our, our, our, our. Shame!)
Next, we will want to know what the objective of the education policy is. Does anyone know? Looking at the nature of material (I will not call it knowledge), taught in our schools and the manner of examinations that are conducted, I think it is fair to say that we are at least, creating parrots, unthinking citizens. Do you realize that today there are so many students getting so many As? It looks like this country is mass-producing geniuses and yet we encounter poor quality graduates. The education “planners” seem to have forgotten that “academic brilliance is no substitute for poverty of character”. I wish those who should will sit down and try thinking for a change – think about what our education policy objective should be. We do not want a repeat of the maths-science in English or Malay or Punjabi type of debate anymore. It is embarrassing and demeaning to a thinking person.
Thirdly, the politicization of education MUST stop. The first step to do this is to remove people on the “board of education” policy those who have hidden agendas. The only agenda permissible in education is to “educate” and to teach skills. Such politicization of education has led to lies in the textbooks, “doctored”, dishonest “theses”, propaganda at its worst and so on. There must be a total reform of the education system, syllabuses, materials, etc. Educational opportunities should be available to all Malaysians.
There are of course many “purposes” of an education policy. Quite apart from the obvious one of “educating”, it must also be geared towards the creation of a sense of true humanity, and Malaysian-ness. We have to move away from the emphasis on superficiality and zero in into substance.
People today are quite tired of meaningless symbols and superficialities. In the field of education, we need courageous leaders who will move into the “substance of education”. If the current Government does not even want to address this point, they can forget about achieving 1Malaysia. It may be a case of taking one step forward and three steps back.
Monday, April 13, 2009
What the People would really love to see is the return of ill gotten wealth by some of the "past leaders" returned to the Rakyat.
For the past weeks, I have been hearing the same call again - investigate past leaders. Examine their adherence to accepted government procedures, examine whether there has been any corrupt practices while in office and scrutinize their wealth portfolio. People in positions of power and responsibility must know that resignations will not absolve them of any crime against the Rakyat.
Take the money back and give it back to the Rakyat.
For the past weeks, I have been hearing the same call again - investigate past leaders. Examine their adherence to accepted government procedures, examine whether there has been any corrupt practices while in office and scrutinize their wealth portfolio. People in positions of power and responsibility must know that resignations will not absolve them of any crime against the Rakyat.
Take the money back and give it back to the Rakyat.
1Malaysia Vision – Part 3 – Mutual Respect, Mutual Responsibility and Mutual Rewards – THE 3R MUTUALS
1Malaysia vision must be able to create an awareness and sense of belonging in the People that this is their HOME. People must be able to feel that they and their siblings can depend on this country for their sustenance and survival. They must be able to feel that they can invest all their energy, creativity, emotions and effort in this country so that they and their siblings can receive due benefit from their investments. This is their SOIL.
All the Rakyat are the children of the soil and they have a RESPONSIBILTY to the protect the land, to cultivate it, and to share it. There must be awareness that the more prosperous Rakyat have a duty and responsibility to uplift the lot of the less fortunate Rakyat, irrespective of religious or any social construct. The Government must have policies that will bring forth true mutual responsibility among the Rakyat irrespective of any social differences. Any conduct that emphasizes differences among the Rakyat will only erode the idea of mutual responsibility.
History is a lesson to be learned to know the background of what is today. It cannot be a statement written in stone to be unchangeable today. Everyday as we live, history is being written. If mutual responsibility never existed before due to circumstances then, it does not mean that we have to perpetuate the historical circumstances that never gave birth to mutual responsibility. We have to create the history of mutual responsibility and for this be done we must have the ability and wisdom to understand the children of today.
Human beings, regardless of which social grouping the Creator has chosen to put them into have one thing in common – human dignity and the need to be respected as a fellow human being. 1Malaysia Vision will fail if it cannot bring forth policies that will give birth to mutual respect between the Rakyat. The creation of MUTUAL RESPECT among the Rakyat requires many things to be done. A few examples will be – equality as a human being in the diverse spheres of life, ascension to positions of wealth and responsibility due to skill, and effort and not through unfair handouts (this does not mean the less fortunate ones should not enjoy a “handicap”). Where respect is lacking, tension and hypocrisy is the result. It cannot foster true unity. There are so many things that can be written on this point.
From the soils of this common land, the Rakyat should be able to expect MUTUAL REWARDS since they share mutual responsibility. This is a basic human trait. If you are supposed to be an equal partner in a company, you will expect to take equal risks and receive equal rewards. Risks and rewards are mutual to the partners. If you take equal risks and you do not receive equal rewards, you will not be inclined to undertake mutual risks in the future. This erodes the partnership relationship. The same for a country.
Mere rhetoric and slogans will not help to achieve 1Malaysia without serious and concerted efforts to bring about the 3R MUTUALS.
The challenge is to translate the above ideas into workable policies.
All the Rakyat are the children of the soil and they have a RESPONSIBILTY to the protect the land, to cultivate it, and to share it. There must be awareness that the more prosperous Rakyat have a duty and responsibility to uplift the lot of the less fortunate Rakyat, irrespective of religious or any social construct. The Government must have policies that will bring forth true mutual responsibility among the Rakyat irrespective of any social differences. Any conduct that emphasizes differences among the Rakyat will only erode the idea of mutual responsibility.
History is a lesson to be learned to know the background of what is today. It cannot be a statement written in stone to be unchangeable today. Everyday as we live, history is being written. If mutual responsibility never existed before due to circumstances then, it does not mean that we have to perpetuate the historical circumstances that never gave birth to mutual responsibility. We have to create the history of mutual responsibility and for this be done we must have the ability and wisdom to understand the children of today.
Human beings, regardless of which social grouping the Creator has chosen to put them into have one thing in common – human dignity and the need to be respected as a fellow human being. 1Malaysia Vision will fail if it cannot bring forth policies that will give birth to mutual respect between the Rakyat. The creation of MUTUAL RESPECT among the Rakyat requires many things to be done. A few examples will be – equality as a human being in the diverse spheres of life, ascension to positions of wealth and responsibility due to skill, and effort and not through unfair handouts (this does not mean the less fortunate ones should not enjoy a “handicap”). Where respect is lacking, tension and hypocrisy is the result. It cannot foster true unity. There are so many things that can be written on this point.
From the soils of this common land, the Rakyat should be able to expect MUTUAL REWARDS since they share mutual responsibility. This is a basic human trait. If you are supposed to be an equal partner in a company, you will expect to take equal risks and receive equal rewards. Risks and rewards are mutual to the partners. If you take equal risks and you do not receive equal rewards, you will not be inclined to undertake mutual risks in the future. This erodes the partnership relationship. The same for a country.
Mere rhetoric and slogans will not help to achieve 1Malaysia without serious and concerted efforts to bring about the 3R MUTUALS.
The challenge is to translate the above ideas into workable policies.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
UMNO, many UMNO grassroots members themselves say, has become from bad to worse in the past 6 years. For starters, it does not allow entry for service of anyone with intelligence. All you have to do is to visit the branches and you will see exactly what I mean. Anyone who has some brains who managed to get the opportunity to serve are a few lucky lot.
Secondly, UMNO is still dominated by old ways of thinking and outmoded ways of looking at life. Like many have said - "The Rakyat has changed, will UMNO change?". Look at the kind of issues they love to discuss. Sometimes it can be extremely embarrassing to see some "upcoming UMNO leader" trying desperately to be a hero of some old song sung with poor melody. Even the lyrics are not remixed!
Thirdly, even the grassroot members have difficulty meeting their leaders. Feudalism and hand-kissing is still very much a "wajib" culture complete with bowing down when in front of the powerful lord.
Fourthly, people are not convinced that UMNO is corruption free. More needs to be done to correct this perspective.
Fifthly, people are beginning to wonder why the UMNO service centers appear to be seasonal - that is only when elections or by-elections are coming. Why cannot it be all year round active with people participation?
Six, while other service centers caters for all other constituents, the perception is that UMNO caters only for its members and Malays. Is this so?
Seven, UMNO appears to be detached from the mindset of the young Malays. This is quite visible from the kind of issues raised by UMNO leaders which do not appeal to the younger generation.
Eight, there is also a feeling that the UMNO machinery's preparation for elections is ad hoc, unplanned and some sort of an event which will see almost all the big shots in one area at one go at one time Then everyone disappears! But the people remember until the next election.
Nine, what has UMNO done differently in the past 6 years that can convince people that it has changed?
Secondly, UMNO is still dominated by old ways of thinking and outmoded ways of looking at life. Like many have said - "The Rakyat has changed, will UMNO change?". Look at the kind of issues they love to discuss. Sometimes it can be extremely embarrassing to see some "upcoming UMNO leader" trying desperately to be a hero of some old song sung with poor melody. Even the lyrics are not remixed!
Thirdly, even the grassroot members have difficulty meeting their leaders. Feudalism and hand-kissing is still very much a "wajib" culture complete with bowing down when in front of the powerful lord.
Fourthly, people are not convinced that UMNO is corruption free. More needs to be done to correct this perspective.
Fifthly, people are beginning to wonder why the UMNO service centers appear to be seasonal - that is only when elections or by-elections are coming. Why cannot it be all year round active with people participation?
Six, while other service centers caters for all other constituents, the perception is that UMNO caters only for its members and Malays. Is this so?
Seven, UMNO appears to be detached from the mindset of the young Malays. This is quite visible from the kind of issues raised by UMNO leaders which do not appeal to the younger generation.
Eight, there is also a feeling that the UMNO machinery's preparation for elections is ad hoc, unplanned and some sort of an event which will see almost all the big shots in one area at one go at one time Then everyone disappears! But the people remember until the next election.
Nine, what has UMNO done differently in the past 6 years that can convince people that it has changed?
Friday, April 10, 2009
1Malaysia Vision - Part 2: Inter-Faith and Intra Faith Challenges
Let me tackle the difficult, “sensitive” issue first – “God says….”. It is a truism to say that “religious issues if not handled prudently may turn into an ugly, ironic situation” in the country. The events that occur all over the world testify to this.
Religion is sensitive to most people for many reasons but primarily because much emotion is invested into it. Generally, one cannot be faulted for thinking that logic and rationality appear to play very little role in religious discussions though this is not necessarily true. I have attended inter and intra religious discussions which were conducted intellectually and in the most friendly of atmosphere even though the arguments were intense.
Most politicians like to side-step the task of handling “religious issues” fundamentally and honestly looking at the “problems” that arise. Of course, many of them manipulate and use religion of political purposes and thus worsen the situation. Many politicians fear popular reprisals from their own supporters and thus take the populist stand. But it is a matter which a statesman must address.
It is impossible to create 1Malaysia if prejudices and biasness towards any one religion exists. This is not at all to question what is lawful and enshrined in the Constitution. I am talking of reforms within the law and what is permissible under the law. However, we must remember that unjust leaders make unjust laws. Hence, a righteous leader may want to undo any just laws that may exist, example, the ISA.
There is a need for inter religious dialogue and understanding. This means that all Malaysians must be able to sensibly discuss each others religion without fear or favour with the purpose of identifying COMMONALITIES and universal principles that can bind us together as human beings. Every party must be educated to learn to accept differences and not be defensive about each other’s religion if sincere comments are made. It is the fear of proselytizing that hampers inter faith understanding. Understanding of each other’s religion is essential.
How can two Malaysians be 1 if they harbour ignorance and prejudice against each other on the basis of religion? (On this score, even the Pakatan has failed to address this issue of “religious harmony” in the widest sense of the word).
Quite apart from dialogues, there must be serious efforts by the relevant Ministries like Education and Information to do their part, and this includes the active role of the Minster in charge of Islamic Affairs too. There must be continuing education among the children at schools on this score. We cannot allow religion to divide us from being pure Malaysians irrespective of our religion or ethnic construct.
Secondly, is the issue of intra religious dialogues. Dialogues within the same faith but with differing views. I believe that this matter also should be addressed before we walk the way of the other countries where shites and sunnis are unfriendly to each other. There needs to be greater liberalization of space to discuss Islamic perspectives. This is better than to allow differing views to ferment underground. The age old autocratic method of immediately branding another fellow Muslim of deviationism simply because of his differing understanding must stop. Views on Islam cannot be allowed to be the monopoly of an elite few and discussions cannot be hijacked on the basis of accusations of “liberal”, “western educated”, “deviant”, etc. The idea should be to allow the proper understanding of Islam to evolve among the Muslims themselves. Again, we must learn to be united by commonalities and not be divided by differences of opinions and ideas.
Muslim leaders who speak on Islam must be consistent with their public behaviours and pronouncements. For example, how can you, on one hand speak on the brotherhood of Islam and in the same breath have a policy that disqualify Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims from certain institutions of learning which is exclusively for Malays? This certainly counters the notion of ukhuwah Islamiah. When such intra discrimination occurs, how can non-Muslims even believe that they will be just policies for them?
Likewise, Islam will be misunderstood when Muslim leaders speak in a language that is couched with racism, arrogant responses or public behaviours and such. Further, it is sad that misconceptions such as “Quran only for Muslims” is gaining ground because of vested interests and politics. It is not true. The Quran is for all mankind.
Thirdly, is the problem that crops up because of conversion between faiths. This problem exists and must be addressed by using common sense, practically, and on a non-emotional basis. We have to understand that these issues has a tremendous impact on the lives of the people involved. It may even be cruel to turn a blind eye.
Lastly, politicization of religions must stop.
I know, this is a tall order. I also know that politicians will not take up such challenges. But suggest I still must for the sake of the country and the future generations.
If the Government is serious towards 1Malaysia, a lot of Ministries will be involved with the issues that I have briefly outlined above. They have to work together.
The challenge is: what do you do to keep “religion” and so-called “religious issues” from derailing the 1Malaysia Vision?
The simple answer is: create the atmosphere that will allow “religion and religious issues” to achieve the 1Malaysia Vision.
Religion is sensitive to most people for many reasons but primarily because much emotion is invested into it. Generally, one cannot be faulted for thinking that logic and rationality appear to play very little role in religious discussions though this is not necessarily true. I have attended inter and intra religious discussions which were conducted intellectually and in the most friendly of atmosphere even though the arguments were intense.
Most politicians like to side-step the task of handling “religious issues” fundamentally and honestly looking at the “problems” that arise. Of course, many of them manipulate and use religion of political purposes and thus worsen the situation. Many politicians fear popular reprisals from their own supporters and thus take the populist stand. But it is a matter which a statesman must address.
It is impossible to create 1Malaysia if prejudices and biasness towards any one religion exists. This is not at all to question what is lawful and enshrined in the Constitution. I am talking of reforms within the law and what is permissible under the law. However, we must remember that unjust leaders make unjust laws. Hence, a righteous leader may want to undo any just laws that may exist, example, the ISA.
There is a need for inter religious dialogue and understanding. This means that all Malaysians must be able to sensibly discuss each others religion without fear or favour with the purpose of identifying COMMONALITIES and universal principles that can bind us together as human beings. Every party must be educated to learn to accept differences and not be defensive about each other’s religion if sincere comments are made. It is the fear of proselytizing that hampers inter faith understanding. Understanding of each other’s religion is essential.
How can two Malaysians be 1 if they harbour ignorance and prejudice against each other on the basis of religion? (On this score, even the Pakatan has failed to address this issue of “religious harmony” in the widest sense of the word).
Quite apart from dialogues, there must be serious efforts by the relevant Ministries like Education and Information to do their part, and this includes the active role of the Minster in charge of Islamic Affairs too. There must be continuing education among the children at schools on this score. We cannot allow religion to divide us from being pure Malaysians irrespective of our religion or ethnic construct.
Secondly, is the issue of intra religious dialogues. Dialogues within the same faith but with differing views. I believe that this matter also should be addressed before we walk the way of the other countries where shites and sunnis are unfriendly to each other. There needs to be greater liberalization of space to discuss Islamic perspectives. This is better than to allow differing views to ferment underground. The age old autocratic method of immediately branding another fellow Muslim of deviationism simply because of his differing understanding must stop. Views on Islam cannot be allowed to be the monopoly of an elite few and discussions cannot be hijacked on the basis of accusations of “liberal”, “western educated”, “deviant”, etc. The idea should be to allow the proper understanding of Islam to evolve among the Muslims themselves. Again, we must learn to be united by commonalities and not be divided by differences of opinions and ideas.
Muslim leaders who speak on Islam must be consistent with their public behaviours and pronouncements. For example, how can you, on one hand speak on the brotherhood of Islam and in the same breath have a policy that disqualify Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims from certain institutions of learning which is exclusively for Malays? This certainly counters the notion of ukhuwah Islamiah. When such intra discrimination occurs, how can non-Muslims even believe that they will be just policies for them?
Likewise, Islam will be misunderstood when Muslim leaders speak in a language that is couched with racism, arrogant responses or public behaviours and such. Further, it is sad that misconceptions such as “Quran only for Muslims” is gaining ground because of vested interests and politics. It is not true. The Quran is for all mankind.
Thirdly, is the problem that crops up because of conversion between faiths. This problem exists and must be addressed by using common sense, practically, and on a non-emotional basis. We have to understand that these issues has a tremendous impact on the lives of the people involved. It may even be cruel to turn a blind eye.
Lastly, politicization of religions must stop.
I know, this is a tall order. I also know that politicians will not take up such challenges. But suggest I still must for the sake of the country and the future generations.
If the Government is serious towards 1Malaysia, a lot of Ministries will be involved with the issues that I have briefly outlined above. They have to work together.
The challenge is: what do you do to keep “religion” and so-called “religious issues” from derailing the 1Malaysia Vision?
The simple answer is: create the atmosphere that will allow “religion and religious issues” to achieve the 1Malaysia Vision.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
GLCs and Other Institutiions - Any Change?
Now that the interim cabinet has been announced, the next thing that the people are watching is whether there will be changes in the other institutions and organizations linked with, part of, or are affiliated to the Government. I said interim cabinet because I expect that it may undergo a reshuffle as early as August in the event of noN-performance of the appointed Ministers or due to other circumstances that will eventually arise in these uncertain times.
With the new CEO at the helm of the Government, one should equally expect changes in the other parts of the government. It will be a mistake if the other "departments" are not overhauled and this cannot happen with the old woods remaining in place. A change may also be necessary to give a breath of fresh air so that new ideas and new ways of doing the task more efficiently can be achieved. This is imperative.
The Rakyat is now waiting for the advent of these changes.
With the new CEO at the helm of the Government, one should equally expect changes in the other parts of the government. It will be a mistake if the other "departments" are not overhauled and this cannot happen with the old woods remaining in place. A change may also be necessary to give a breath of fresh air so that new ideas and new ways of doing the task more efficiently can be achieved. This is imperative.
The Rakyat is now waiting for the advent of these changes.
PERDANA MENTERI : Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
1. Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon (Hal Ehwal Perpaduan & Pengurusan Prestasi)
2. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (Hal Ehwal Perundangan dan Parlimen)
3. Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop (Unit Perancang Ekonomi)
4. Mejar Jeneral (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom (Hal Ehwal Agama Islam)
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Liew Vui Keong
2. Datuk Dr. Mashitah Ibrahim
3. Datuk S.K. Devamany
4. Ahmad Maslan
5. T. Murugiah
Menteri: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Menteri II: Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Chor Chee Heung
2. Datuk Dr. Awang Adek Hussin
Menteri: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong
2. Dr. Mohd Puad Zarkashi
Menteri: Datuk Ong Tee Keat
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri
2. Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew
Menteri: Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Hamzah Zainudin
Menteri: Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
2. Jelaing anak Mersat
Menteri: Datuk Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
2. Senator Heng Seai Kie
Menteri: Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Timbalan Menteri: Noriah Kasnon
Menteri: Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Hassan Malek
2. Datuk Joseph Entulu anak Belaun
Menteri: Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Dr. Hou Kok Chung
2. Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah
Menteri: Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir
2. Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan
Menteri: Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili
Timbalan Menteri: Fadillah Yusof
Menteri: Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas
Timbalan Menteri: Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
Menteri: Datuk Ng Yen Yen
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib
Menteri: Datuk Noh Omar
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Johari Baharum
2. Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim
Menteri: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad
Menteri: Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Yong Khoon Seng
Menteri: Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin
Menteri: Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Razali Ibrahim
2. Wee Jeck Seng
Menteri: Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam
Timbalan: Datuk Maznah Mazlan
Menteri: Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Tan Lian Hoe
Menteri: Datuk Kong Cho Ha
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Lajim Ukin
Menteri: Datuk Seri Sharizat Jalil
Timbalan Menteri: Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Menteri: Datuk Anifah Aman
Timbalan Menteri:
1. A. Kohilan Pillay
2. Datuk Lee Chee Leong
Menteri: Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk M. Saravanan
1. Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon (Hal Ehwal Perpaduan & Pengurusan Prestasi)
2. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz (Hal Ehwal Perundangan dan Parlimen)
3. Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop (Unit Perancang Ekonomi)
4. Mejar Jeneral (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom (Hal Ehwal Agama Islam)
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Liew Vui Keong
2. Datuk Dr. Mashitah Ibrahim
3. Datuk S.K. Devamany
4. Ahmad Maslan
5. T. Murugiah
Menteri: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Menteri II: Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Chor Chee Heung
2. Datuk Dr. Awang Adek Hussin
Menteri: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong
2. Dr. Mohd Puad Zarkashi
Menteri: Datuk Ong Tee Keat
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri
2. Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew
Menteri: Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Hamzah Zainudin
Menteri: Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
2. Jelaing anak Mersat
Menteri: Datuk Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
2. Senator Heng Seai Kie
Menteri: Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Timbalan Menteri: Noriah Kasnon
Menteri: Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Hassan Malek
2. Datuk Joseph Entulu anak Belaun
Menteri: Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Dr. Hou Kok Chung
2. Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah
Menteri: Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir
2. Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan
Menteri: Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili
Timbalan Menteri: Fadillah Yusof
Menteri: Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas
Timbalan Menteri: Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
Menteri: Datuk Ng Yen Yen
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib
Menteri: Datuk Noh Omar
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Johari Baharum
2. Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim
Menteri: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad
Menteri: Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Yong Khoon Seng
Menteri: Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shirlin
Menteri: Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Timbalan Menteri:
1. Datuk Razali Ibrahim
2. Wee Jeck Seng
Menteri: Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam
Timbalan: Datuk Maznah Mazlan
Menteri: Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Tan Lian Hoe
Menteri: Datuk Kong Cho Ha
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk Lajim Ukin
Menteri: Datuk Seri Sharizat Jalil
Timbalan Menteri: Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
Menteri: Datuk Anifah Aman
Timbalan Menteri:
1. A. Kohilan Pillay
2. Datuk Lee Chee Leong
Menteri: Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
Timbalan Menteri: Datuk M. Saravanan
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
PM’s 1MALAYSIA VISION: Prologue – Part 1
I liked Dato’ Seri Najib’s pronouncement of the “1Malaysia” concept. It is powerful and I think it goes down well with a lot of people especially the younger generation of Malaysians who are actually tired with the politicization of ethnicity and religion.
What most of the Rakyat are waiting for is - how Najib is going to outline his concept – what keys areas does he intend to address and achieve with his pronouncements?
Obviously until Najib outlines his concept, the Rakyat will have their own interpretation, and hopes of the concept.
This is a country of diverse culture, religion, income levels, educational levels, etc. The Rakyat are more discerning today. The power of the new media as an alternative source of information is recognized.
Let me start from the Rakyat’s perspective:
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, they have to live and work with each other irrespective of the social-construct of ethnicity that they are legally boxed into.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, they have had pleasant experiences with others from other ethnic groupings and evil experiences with those from within their own ethnic groupings.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, it is not the political leadership that puts rice onto their plate. Each Rakyat has to slog and work day and night just to provide sustenance for their respective families while they see politicians retire into wealth and glory by being in office for a mere few years.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, much of the artificial divisions that have divided society into “race and religion” are products of the system that have been set into place by the political masters and supported by their crony “intellectuals’ and religionists.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the Rakyat is thoroughly convinced that unless compelled, the politicians will not embark on any real education for the masses. For this may mean a more informed and kind society and this may not augur well for political power play.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, we need to be bound together by common values and principles and this will not happen so long as we have institutionalized and legalized divisive factors. The evolution of common values and principles CANNOT be artificially imposed on society. Courageous leaders must allow for democratic space to discuss and exchange ideas and views towards the evolution of commonality – Islam is no exception. Thinking must be allowed. It cannot be monopolized by a group of elites which the Rakyat did not authorize in the first place.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the Rakyat has been used and abused by politicians. What must legitimately be done by any responsible leader has been turned into a favour to the Rakyat for which the Rakyat is expected to kiss the hand of the politician. Where then is the honour of the Rakyat? YB (Yang Berhormat) becomes the feudal lord of the YM (Yang Mengundi). If hand kissing is so essential, how about the YB kissing the hands of the YM?
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the common Rakyat has to deal with the civil service and suffer at the behest of the civil services’ whims and fancies. The common Rakyat has no opportunity of complaining to the higher authorities of the civil service because they too behave like feudal lords. All these wears out the human. Makes him weary, Makes tired and frustrated.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the Nation is saved NOT by politicians, BUT by saviour citizens, the Raperas.
Hence, it is Raperas that we must cultivate and generate.
What most of the Rakyat are waiting for is - how Najib is going to outline his concept – what keys areas does he intend to address and achieve with his pronouncements?
Obviously until Najib outlines his concept, the Rakyat will have their own interpretation, and hopes of the concept.
This is a country of diverse culture, religion, income levels, educational levels, etc. The Rakyat are more discerning today. The power of the new media as an alternative source of information is recognized.
Let me start from the Rakyat’s perspective:
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, they have to live and work with each other irrespective of the social-construct of ethnicity that they are legally boxed into.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, they have had pleasant experiences with others from other ethnic groupings and evil experiences with those from within their own ethnic groupings.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, it is not the political leadership that puts rice onto their plate. Each Rakyat has to slog and work day and night just to provide sustenance for their respective families while they see politicians retire into wealth and glory by being in office for a mere few years.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, much of the artificial divisions that have divided society into “race and religion” are products of the system that have been set into place by the political masters and supported by their crony “intellectuals’ and religionists.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the Rakyat is thoroughly convinced that unless compelled, the politicians will not embark on any real education for the masses. For this may mean a more informed and kind society and this may not augur well for political power play.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, we need to be bound together by common values and principles and this will not happen so long as we have institutionalized and legalized divisive factors. The evolution of common values and principles CANNOT be artificially imposed on society. Courageous leaders must allow for democratic space to discuss and exchange ideas and views towards the evolution of commonality – Islam is no exception. Thinking must be allowed. It cannot be monopolized by a group of elites which the Rakyat did not authorize in the first place.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the Rakyat has been used and abused by politicians. What must legitimately be done by any responsible leader has been turned into a favour to the Rakyat for which the Rakyat is expected to kiss the hand of the politician. Where then is the honour of the Rakyat? YB (Yang Berhormat) becomes the feudal lord of the YM (Yang Mengundi). If hand kissing is so essential, how about the YB kissing the hands of the YM?
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the common Rakyat has to deal with the civil service and suffer at the behest of the civil services’ whims and fancies. The common Rakyat has no opportunity of complaining to the higher authorities of the civil service because they too behave like feudal lords. All these wears out the human. Makes him weary, Makes tired and frustrated.
Over the past 50 years, the Rakyat have learnt that at the bottom line, the Nation is saved NOT by politicians, BUT by saviour citizens, the Raperas.
Hence, it is Raperas that we must cultivate and generate.
The Two Bukits – BN lost again! What does that mean?
The two bukits- Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang was retained by Pakatan. Some argue that it does not mean anything since it merely reaffirms status quo. I beg to disagree.
One must not overlook the fact that these two seats fell into Pakatan hands ONLY since March 8, 2008. This, therefore means that the constituents of both the bukits are comfortable with the Pakatan and they have showed this by giving increased majorities to the Pakatan candidates.
Bukit Selambau is a Malay-majority seat. Arumugam, an independent, won in 2008 and was converted into the opposition candidate. Bukit Selambau has 34,977 voters with about 50 per cent of them Malays, 30 per cent Indians and 20 per cent Chinese.
The Bukit Gantang seat, an Umno stronghold, was once held by Gerakan’s Tan Lian Hoe as part of the BN seat sharing formula.
Bukit Gantang 2008 ethnic composition
Malay Malaysians 63.5%
Chinese Malaysians 27.1%
Indian Malaysians 9.1%
Other Malaysians 0.2%
(Thanks to
BN must stand up to the fact that something drastically has changed since March 2008. BN’s label can no longer guarantee any electoral victory. If this trend continues, it is very possible that what almost everyone perceives will come true – come the 13th general elections, the BN will lose power. Can the BN reverse its trend?
It is important to note that there had been 3 “major changes” and events prior to the by-election in the two Bukits –
1. Najib is now PM with his 1Malaysia concept,
2. He had ordered the release of 13 ISA detainees
3. Dr Mahathir is now back into UMNO.
It appears that these events do not have any bearing on the constituents of the two Bukits in influencing their voting.
Can BN reverse this trend? I am calling it a trend because to date, I cannot for the life of me see any real, tangible and wholesome effort by BN and those affiliated to it in trying to win back the MALAYSIAN TRUST. On one hand, I see that when leaders like Dato Seri Najib make a good policy statement like “1Malaysia”, then you have some else affiliated to BN/UMNO playing up the racial and religious card – example, like someone making a police report and playing up the issue of a non-Muslim “insulting Islam”.
As long as this “one-step-forward-four-steps-backward” culture in UMNO continues, it will be designing its own doom.
At the expense of being repetitious, UMNO has to reinvent itself.
Is that possible with the same ingrained mentality, tendencies, hierarchical behaviors and modes of thinking it has?
One must not overlook the fact that these two seats fell into Pakatan hands ONLY since March 8, 2008. This, therefore means that the constituents of both the bukits are comfortable with the Pakatan and they have showed this by giving increased majorities to the Pakatan candidates.
Bukit Selambau is a Malay-majority seat. Arumugam, an independent, won in 2008 and was converted into the opposition candidate. Bukit Selambau has 34,977 voters with about 50 per cent of them Malays, 30 per cent Indians and 20 per cent Chinese.
The Bukit Gantang seat, an Umno stronghold, was once held by Gerakan’s Tan Lian Hoe as part of the BN seat sharing formula.
Bukit Gantang 2008 ethnic composition
Malay Malaysians 63.5%
Chinese Malaysians 27.1%
Indian Malaysians 9.1%
Other Malaysians 0.2%
(Thanks to
BN must stand up to the fact that something drastically has changed since March 2008. BN’s label can no longer guarantee any electoral victory. If this trend continues, it is very possible that what almost everyone perceives will come true – come the 13th general elections, the BN will lose power. Can the BN reverse its trend?
It is important to note that there had been 3 “major changes” and events prior to the by-election in the two Bukits –
1. Najib is now PM with his 1Malaysia concept,
2. He had ordered the release of 13 ISA detainees
3. Dr Mahathir is now back into UMNO.
It appears that these events do not have any bearing on the constituents of the two Bukits in influencing their voting.
Can BN reverse this trend? I am calling it a trend because to date, I cannot for the life of me see any real, tangible and wholesome effort by BN and those affiliated to it in trying to win back the MALAYSIAN TRUST. On one hand, I see that when leaders like Dato Seri Najib make a good policy statement like “1Malaysia”, then you have some else affiliated to BN/UMNO playing up the racial and religious card – example, like someone making a police report and playing up the issue of a non-Muslim “insulting Islam”.
As long as this “one-step-forward-four-steps-backward” culture in UMNO continues, it will be designing its own doom.
At the expense of being repetitious, UMNO has to reinvent itself.
Is that possible with the same ingrained mentality, tendencies, hierarchical behaviors and modes of thinking it has?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
YAB PM, What about the reforms in the CIVIL SERVICE?
YAB Dato’ Seri Najib’s new cabinet is expected to be lean and reflective of a working team. This we will be able to evaluate by next week. But what about the CIVIL SERVICE?
I have said this many times and it is my total pleasure to repeat – ANY LEADER WHO IGNORES THE EFFECT OF THE CIVIL SERVICE ON THE RAKYAT IS BOUND TO BE IN TROUBLE.
Unchecked, corrupt, inefficient feudal lords in the civil service may get off undetected or worse no one dares to complain about them. But the backlash will be on the political government when election time comes around. Not only that, these uncivil servants will give the Government of the day a very bad name.
We have heard too much talk about the ineffectiveness of the delivery system from the Government leaders. When is someone going to walk the talk?
I have always sensed that the civil service does not know the “fear of losing” its job. Many who have been there for years, especially the ones almost at the top have a “kebal” mentality (not all).
I really hope to see the Najib administration tackle the various problems that the Rakyat faces when dealing with the uncivil service.
For starters:
a) do not automatically recommend for awards simply because the person reaches a Ketua Pengarah or KSU position. It gets into the head of some.
b) Be careful in promoting people to Ketua Pengarah or KSU position –you may end up promoting them to their level of inefficiency.
c) Do not play golf on the Rakyat’s time please!
d) Evaluate and reduce these so-called overseas “study” trips.
e) Can we have less of them attending so many “kursuses”, etc, etc on the Rakyat’s time?
f) Please be accessible to the common Rakyat – often times it is easier to meet the PM then to meet a KSU! Some Ketua Pengarahs are even more difficult!!!
g) There is too much duplication of responsibilities – examine and rectify.
h) Review the power of discretion given – I find that some of those who have the discretion do not understand that “discretion” does not mean “suka hati saya”. It must be founded on sound principles including, legal. [This is an area the civil service requires education and training]
i) Make it easy for the Rakyat to challenge/question the decisions of civil servants in cases where there is clear abuse of discretion. Going to the courts for judicial review is beyond most Rakyat.
j) Reduce the number of civil servants that want to follow leaders on overseas trips unless their presence is essential. Costly for the Rakyat.
k) Stop promoting persons to higher positions during the last tenure of their service just to increase their pensions - a whole period gets wasted for the Rakyat!
l) Synchronize decisions between the respective government leaders and the civil servants – often they sing different songs.
m) Give the Rakyat feedback on the “civil service complaint’s bureau” that apparently has been set up (yes?). When there is no feedback, the Rakyat thinks nothing is done.
I have said this many times and it is my total pleasure to repeat – ANY LEADER WHO IGNORES THE EFFECT OF THE CIVIL SERVICE ON THE RAKYAT IS BOUND TO BE IN TROUBLE.
Unchecked, corrupt, inefficient feudal lords in the civil service may get off undetected or worse no one dares to complain about them. But the backlash will be on the political government when election time comes around. Not only that, these uncivil servants will give the Government of the day a very bad name.
We have heard too much talk about the ineffectiveness of the delivery system from the Government leaders. When is someone going to walk the talk?
I have always sensed that the civil service does not know the “fear of losing” its job. Many who have been there for years, especially the ones almost at the top have a “kebal” mentality (not all).
I really hope to see the Najib administration tackle the various problems that the Rakyat faces when dealing with the uncivil service.
For starters:
a) do not automatically recommend for awards simply because the person reaches a Ketua Pengarah or KSU position. It gets into the head of some.
b) Be careful in promoting people to Ketua Pengarah or KSU position –you may end up promoting them to their level of inefficiency.
c) Do not play golf on the Rakyat’s time please!
d) Evaluate and reduce these so-called overseas “study” trips.
e) Can we have less of them attending so many “kursuses”, etc, etc on the Rakyat’s time?
f) Please be accessible to the common Rakyat – often times it is easier to meet the PM then to meet a KSU! Some Ketua Pengarahs are even more difficult!!!
g) There is too much duplication of responsibilities – examine and rectify.
h) Review the power of discretion given – I find that some of those who have the discretion do not understand that “discretion” does not mean “suka hati saya”. It must be founded on sound principles including, legal. [This is an area the civil service requires education and training]
i) Make it easy for the Rakyat to challenge/question the decisions of civil servants in cases where there is clear abuse of discretion. Going to the courts for judicial review is beyond most Rakyat.
j) Reduce the number of civil servants that want to follow leaders on overseas trips unless their presence is essential. Costly for the Rakyat.
k) Stop promoting persons to higher positions during the last tenure of their service just to increase their pensions - a whole period gets wasted for the Rakyat!
l) Synchronize decisions between the respective government leaders and the civil servants – often they sing different songs.
m) Give the Rakyat feedback on the “civil service complaint’s bureau” that apparently has been set up (yes?). When there is no feedback, the Rakyat thinks nothing is done.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Of course, you cannot trust any political party. You have to watch them, "scold" them, "cane" them sometimes and forever remind them not to take the people for fools.
Someone send me a link that "surprised" me. All my life, I really thought that PAS was always talking about setting up an "Islamic State", not that I have ever believed they know what they are saying. But I thought that was what they have been saying for years. I have always been wary of any political party that has a theological basis because it is only a matter of time when they start playing God and instead of "ISA", they will simply say you are against God if you differ from their views.
Watch this video. Interesting and it us tells a lot about PAS.
Anyway it should make any believer sick in the stomach when politicians from any side of the POLITICAL divide play yo-yo with religion.
Someone send me a link that "surprised" me. All my life, I really thought that PAS was always talking about setting up an "Islamic State", not that I have ever believed they know what they are saying. But I thought that was what they have been saying for years. I have always been wary of any political party that has a theological basis because it is only a matter of time when they start playing God and instead of "ISA", they will simply say you are against God if you differ from their views.
Watch this video. Interesting and it us tells a lot about PAS.
Anyway it should make any believer sick in the stomach when politicians from any side of the POLITICAL divide play yo-yo with religion.
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin has consented to the appointment of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as the sixth prime minister of Malaysia, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan announced Thursday. Read here and themalaysianinsider here.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates said Wednesday his charity foundation will donate 33 million dollars to help fight tuberculosis in China. Don't you want guys like this to be blessed with more wealth and good health? Read here. Reaching out beyond "race, and religion". For some humans, being humans in need is enough reason to assist and reach out.
Corrupt politicians arrested in Bangladesh. Isn't that the country touted as another "Islamic State"? Masha Allah ! Read here So, "scumbaggism" is also beyond "race and religion" and beard length!
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin has consented to the appointment of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as the sixth prime minister of Malaysia, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan announced Thursday. Read here and themalaysianinsider here.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates said Wednesday his charity foundation will donate 33 million dollars to help fight tuberculosis in China. Don't you want guys like this to be blessed with more wealth and good health? Read here. Reaching out beyond "race, and religion". For some humans, being humans in need is enough reason to assist and reach out.
Corrupt politicians arrested in Bangladesh. Isn't that the country touted as another "Islamic State"? Masha Allah ! Read here So, "scumbaggism" is also beyond "race and religion" and beard length!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
She Loves me?
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
still waiting
how often we find ourselves at crossroads?
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
She loves me, she loves me not
still waiting
how often we find ourselves at crossroads?
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