
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Seriously can we get the country moving again?

OK...there is finally the cabinet reshuffle which most people were wondering before why it never happened ? Now that it has happened, many say many things including being surprised.

Many are surprised that Muhyiddin has been dropped. I find it surprising that these people find it a surprise. Nothing personal to Muhyiddin, I would have thought that Najib was a weakling if he had not dropped his deputy who had made many public statements especially on 1MDB which is not only confusing but downright offensive to the mind of anyone who can think.

Examples: “.....I don’t know what is happening..” – then resign lah as Musa HItam did.

               “......!MDB will cause BN and UMNO to fall” – and how do you intend to make BN and UMNO not fall?

              “......I don’t know what is 1MDB all about..” – and then how in the world did you chair some of the cabinet meetings?

If those above reports are true, he makes it sound like the DPM is clueless as to what is happening and that the other cabinet members are either too stupid or too concerned for their positions to speak up – which is very insulting to the cabinet and to himself.

I do not know this man, Muhyiddin personally enough, so I cannot judge him personally. Of course I have met him and sat down at the same table to chat ...I would rather not comment what I perceived of him – but then again I have never been easily impressed by our politicians.  I may be also prejudiced by thinking that like ALL politicians who have been around for more than 6 years, they think they can walk on water. They think only they have the brains and the right to express what is right for the country. Lebih kurang semua sama je. Cium tangan bos, lepas tu wajib orang-orang bawahan cium tangan dia. Malay first, Malaysian second. So funny and so twisted this last statement when I first heard him say that. What?? He is against 1Malaysia????? That’s the government policy la ooi!

Anyway, I do not want to waste time discussing UMNO politics. What I wanted to write was this -  the new cabinet has been please, please get to work on serving the Rakyat.
Ok, ok there is 1MDB but do not use that as an excuse to neglect the Rakyat on other MORE important aspects of life.

The new education Minister – please revamp the education policy and system which Muhyiddin complexly failed to do. Let’s have less of the “perjuangkan Melayu” rhetoric of his era and get on with the task of really preparing the Malays to face the new century. This is the challenge for Mahadzir Khalid – bring quality education system to the people of Malaysia. There is no need to be Malay first and Malaysian second, whatever that means. Once you are Malaysian, you are all that la!

There young ones and new ones in the cabinet – please do not get sucked into this typical “UMNO bangsawan political types” with that characteristic smiles, laughter, walk and gestures. Today we can accept you as you are so long as you speak intelligently and start performing.  Also,. No need to get into the “ demi agama dan banga” rhetoric. Demi Negara would be just fine. People today judge you by what you do and not what you say because we have already seen all the previous politicians retire very, very, very rich while many Malays and Malaysians are still very, very poor.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pengajaran Daripada Low Yat Oh Low Yat

Dari satu segi, kita bernasib baik sebagai Negara kerana di uji oleh Allah dengan kejadian di Low Yat. Mana tahu, kita sudah matang, sudah belajar bersyukur, sudah boleh mengenali kelemahan dan kekuatan diri daripada menyalahkan seluruh dunia kecuali diri sendiri ....maka dengan kematangan dan kesyukuran kita mungkin dapat bertindak terhadap apa-apa yang berlaku sebagai seorang Muslim yang bijaksana.

Malangnya sekali lagi, nampaknya ramai yang di pertanggungjawapkan oleh Allah dalam kedudukan tertentu telah gagal segagal-gagalnya.  Dalam kita menyorak “Allah hu Akbar” dan pelbagai lagi kata-kata yang kita sangka bersemangat kita lupa untuk beriman kepada surah Al-Israa ayat 36 dimana Allah mengajar kita supaya usul periksa sebelum mempercayai sesuatu berita.

Ketua Polis Negara telah mengesahkan bahawa insiden yang berlaku berpunca daripada dua orang pemuda yang telah mencuri talipon bimbit. (klik disini Berita ini telah di putar belit oleh manusia-manusia yang tidak bertanggungjawap dan lupa akan kewujudan Allah sehingga diwujudkan ketakutan dikalangan rakyat dan kerosakkan kepada harta benda.

Kerakusan untuk berpolitik didunia yang amat sementara ini telah juga melalaikan kita untuk membezakan diantara suatu perbuatan jenayah dan rusuhan kaum. Apakah kita berdoa kepada Allah untuk menurunkan musibah rusuhan kaum yang boleh merosakkan masa hadapan anak- anak di bumi bertuah Malaysia ini?  Apakah kita begitu angkuh berpolitik sehingga kita tidak lagi takut kepada azab Allah?

Apakah kerana matlamat politik, atau sentimen perkauman atau atas sebab-sebab kepentingan tertentu kita sanggup dengan sengaja kufur (enggan patuhi) kepada firman-firman Allah dalam Al-Quran yang membawa maksud berikut:-

1)      “Wahai orang-orang yang percaya, jadilah kamu orang-orang yang menegakkan keadilan, saksi-saksi untuk Allah, walaupun terhadap diri kamu sendiri, atau ibu bapa kamu, dan sanak saudara, sama ada orang itu kaya atau miskin; Allah paling dekat dengan keduanya. Kemudian janganlah mengikuti keinginan kamu supaya kamu tidak berbuat adil; kerana jika kamu memutarbelitkan, atau kamu memalingkan, maka sesungguhnya Allah menyedari apa yang kamu buat”  (Q4:135)

2)      “Wahai orang-orang yang percaya, jadilah kamu orang-orang yang menegakkan di hadapan Allah, saksi-saksi untuk keadilan. Janganlah kebencian pada kaum mendesak kamu untuk tidak berlaku adil; berlaku adillah, itu lebih dekat dengan takwa. Dan takutilah Allah; sesungguhnya Allah menyedari apa yang kamu buat” (Q5:8)

Sekadar berkongsi di bulan yang kita sendiri akui adalah mulia.
