I have spoken and written many articles over the years where I tried to provoke the Rakyat into taking responsibility for the well being of the Nation. I was deeply concerned that the general rakyat who are generally good and decent people were illusioned that they are helpless in shaping the destiny of the Nation.
Whatever the impetus was, I am glad that the Rakyat now know that they can change the government if they are determined to. I hope that this makes the politicians realize that the Rakyat’s mindset has changed. They no longer fear the powers that the politicians wield.
I would like to remind the Rakyat that while the Rakyat’s mindset and imagination with regards to politics may have changed, they must remember one thing - power still has a druggish effect on the politicians and their servants. Hence, they must not assume that just because the baton has been passed to the member of parliaments and state assemblymen on the other side of the fence, all must necessarily be well - they are still politicians.
Hence, our focus should still remain the same - we want a stable, peaceful country where each of us and our children have the opportunity to prosper based on the efforts that we put into life. Every Malaysian has a right to feel safe, useful, appreciated as a citizen with a sense of belonging and respected as a human being.
While the some or most of the Rakyat may still be caught up with the elections that have ended, the Raperas must put on their thinking caps while being balanced by their compassionate hearts.
While some or most of the Rakyat may think that their responsibility has ended by casting their votes, Raperas must know that duties and responsibilities to ensure that this Nation progresses comprehensively continues. Raperas must be ever vigilant.
Believe me when I say this: most people are unable to free themselves from vested interests that may actually run counter to national interests. Do not for a second think that a change of government automatically means that human nature itself has changed.
While we must give the trust, the benefit of doubt and support the government of the day, the Rapera must be vigilant of the human nature which may only want to act in its own interests.
Let us together unite, as Malaysians, to ensure that the key institutions in our country are strengthened not to act against ordinary citizens but to empower them so that they are protected and assisted in their quest to contribute in making this nation greater.
I pray that we have a great journey ahead.
Peace !
The Nation is saved NOT by politicians or citizens but by Saviour citizens or Raperas.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Monday, May 14, 2018
Government: Uphold Rule of Law.
I am comforted by the assurances given by the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that the rule of law will be uphold.
Our country has established rules, procedures and regulation to govern matters. This is especially important now since its a historic moment where a new government is in place. It is very important that at the very outset the new Governement clearly shows its commitment to upholding the rule of law which forms a fundamental part of its oath of governance.
At the same time, the new government should also ensure that necessary action is taken against any malicious news that is being spread to cause uneasiness, strife and doubt in the country.
The elections are over. It is time to govern in the interest of the Nation in accordance with the rule of law.
Peace !
Our country has established rules, procedures and regulation to govern matters. This is especially important now since its a historic moment where a new government is in place. It is very important that at the very outset the new Governement clearly shows its commitment to upholding the rule of law which forms a fundamental part of its oath of governance.
At the same time, the new government should also ensure that necessary action is taken against any malicious news that is being spread to cause uneasiness, strife and doubt in the country.
The elections are over. It is time to govern in the interest of the Nation in accordance with the rule of law.
Peace !
Pakatan harapan,
rule of law
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Manusia Merancang, Allah menentukan !!! - PRU14 Malaysia
Perdana Menteri Ke7
YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke 7, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dilihat sebagai begitu cepat sekali dalam melaksanakan tugas nya. Pada hari pertama sahaja beliau sudah awal dipejabat mengalahkan orang yang lebih muda. Ini berlaku bukan kerana beliau Perdana Menteri tetapi kerana beliau adalah Mahathir.
Kini menjadi tugas pahit saya sebagai Rakyat biasa untuk memperingati YAB Perdana Menteri bahawa Rakyat jelata mempunyai harapan yang besar terhadap Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan untuk membawa reform-reform yang amat di perlukan untuk menuju kearah Negara yang bertamadun tinggi. Saya juga berharap Kerajaan ini menjadi satu era dimana Rakyat di galak menjadi rakyat yang bukan sahaja mampu berfikir tetapi mempunyai sifat keihsanan yang tinggi.
Tanggungjawap Rakyat
Kepada Rakyat jelata, Kita wajib memperingati diri Kita semua bahawa kempen pilihanraya sudah habis dan kini mula lah tempoh kempen untuk berkerjasama bagi membangunkan kesejahteraan Negara dan maruah Negara Bangsa.
Apa-apa keterlaluan dalam tindakan satu pihak politik terhadap pihak politik seterunya oleh penyokong masing-masing harus di maafkan. Ini adalah konsekuen proses pilihanraya dalam sistem demokrasi yang tidak pernah tekankan nilai keihsanan (compassion). Maka, kita semua bersalah kerana berlaku nya kelakuan sedemikian dan semoga Allah maafkan Kita semua. Perkara ini juga Allah telah memperingati kita bahawa Ia akan menanamkan cinta sesama Kita jika Kita rela.
“Dan ingatlah akan kenikmatan Allah kepadamu ketika kamu dahulu bermusuh-musuhan, maka Allah mempersatukan hatimu, lalu menjadikan kamu karena nikmat Allah orang-orang yang bersaudara." (Ali Imran: 103)
Kita tidak boleh lagi terlalu gembira kerana menang atau terlalu sedih kerana kalah jika kita beriman bahawa sebenarnya manusia hanya lah merancang tetapi Allah jua lah yang menentukan. Kita kena sentiasa insaf bahawa Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang baik untuk kita serta apa yang buruk untuk kita.
“Kamu diwajibkan berperang (untuk menentang pencerobohan) sedang peperangan itu ialah perkara yang kamu benci; dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah Yang mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya”. (Surah Al Baqarah ayat 216)
Oleh yang demikian, kewajipan kita hanya lah untuk bersama-sama menuju kearah melakukan kebajikan serta amalan2 yang menguntugkan Rakyat bersama.
Pakatan Harapan
Kini PH telah menjadi kerajaan untuk semua rakyat termasuk bagi mereka yang tidak mengundi mereka. Saya percaya Kerajaan PH yang terhasil daripada gabungan parti2 politik yang mempunyai individu2 yang bermusuhan sesama sendiri berdekad dekad akan mudah memaafkan mereka yang menentang mereka dalam proses kempen pilihanraya. Kerajaan wajib mempertahankan hak2 sistem demokrasi.
Saya percaya mereka sedar bahawa tugas mereka kini sebagai kerajaan tidak sama seperti tugas mereka dahulu sebagai pembangkang.
Sudah muncul secara realiti konsep sistem dua parti di Malaysia seperti yang di perjuangkan berdekad-dekad.
Barisan Nasional
Barisan Nasional yang di anggotai oleh manusia sudah tentu tertakluk kepada perasan sedih kerana kalah dalam PRU14. Saya dengan merendah diri menasihati supaya cepat2 keluar daripada zon kesedihan dan lihat lah ia sebagai rahmah Allah di mana mereka di beri peluang untuk mengawasi tindakan Kerajaan sebagai pembangkan bagi pihak Rakyat.
Kekalahan ini juga akan memberi peluang pada mereka untuk melakukan post mortem, muhasabah diri, penilaian semula struktur dan kelemahan parti mereka kearah pembaikan dan keadaan yang lebih efektif pada rakyat. BN wajib jujur pada diri kerana kebenaran nya adalah seperti mana yang difirman oleh Allah:
“Apa saja nikmat yang engkau peroleh adalah dari sisi Allah. Dan apa saja bencana yang menimpamu, maka dari kesalahan dirimu sendiri," (Surah Al-Nisâ’ [4]: ayat 79).
Friday, May 11, 2018
Bermulanya Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan
Malaysia telah membuktikan pada diri nya sendiri bahawa ia berkeupayaan untuk menukar kerajaan melalui proses demokrasi tanpa sebarang keganasan atau ketidakstabilan politik.
Mulai 9.30 malam, 10hb Mei, 2018, Malaysia mempunyai kerajaan Persekutuan yang baru.
Sebelum saya menulis selanjutnya, ingin saya memperingati diri saya serta mereka yang rela di peringati akan satu kebenaran. Sifat manusia yang masih berilusi dengan “kebolehan” nya semata2 adalah dimana yang menang akan bergembira dan merasa mereka hebat dalam percaturan. Pihak yang kalah pula akan bersedih serta berada dalam kesesalan yang samar2. Kedua-dua manusia seperti ini lupa akan satu kebenaran hakiki bahawa Allah jua yang memberi “kerajaan” kepada siapa yang Dia sukai. Kebenaran ini jelas dalam Surah Al Imran ayat 26:
“Katakanlah: "Wahai Tuhan Yang mempunyai kerajaan, Engkau berikan kerajaan kepada orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau cabut kerajaan dari orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Engkau muliakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau hinakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Di tangan Engkaulah segala kebajikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu”.
Ahli politik juga harus beringat bahawa apa yang boleh menghilangkan kuasa mereka dengan sekelip mata adalah faktor yang sama yang mengakibatkan Iblis diusir kebumi iaitu kesombongan atau keangkuhan (Surah Al A’Raaf : ayat 11-13).
Sebagai Muslim saya beriman bahawa ayat2 di atas memperingati Kita bahawa kuasa dan kemuliaan bukan sesuatu untuk di banggakan tetapi satu amanah yang di berikan kepada manusia2 yang dipilih oleh Pencipta nya.
Maka, pada 10.5.2018, Allah telah memberikan amanah kepada kerajaan PH untuk mentadbir Negara Malaysia. Dalam amanah ini, terdapat harapan Rakyat yang amat besar.
Dimana kemenangan PH membawa perubahan baru dalam lanskap politik Malaysia, Rakyat juga mengharapkan ia akan membawa perubahan yang bermakna, efektif dan berguna dalam pentadbiran Negara.
Dimana kemenangan PH membawa perubahan baru dalam lanskap politik Malaysia, Rakyat juga mengharapkan ia akan membawa perubahan yang bermakna, efektif dan berguna dalam pentadbiran Negara.
Kerajaan yang di pilih adalah kerajaan Semua Rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum, agama atau kelas ekonomi. Maka, kerajaan ini tidak boleh membeza-bezakan “anak2” (Rakyat) berdasarkan kategori2 yang disebutkan tadi.
Pengagihan sumber2 Negara harus lah adil dan saksama diantara anak2 nya dengan mengambilkira keupayaan masing2. Saya percaya Rakyat dahagakan perkara2 perkara-perkara tersebut:
- Mengwujudkan satu bangsa Malaysia dimana Kita dapat bersama2 menuju kearah satu “Malaysian Dream” sebagai satu keluarga yang punyai sikap keihsanan (compassion)
- Reform dalam sistem pendidikan dari segi isi kandungannya, kaedah pengajaran, kos dan sebagainya,
- Penghapusan rasuah
- Mengwujudkan suasana politik dan ekonomi dimana rakyat yang rela berusaha dapat mencari nafkah yang halal tanpa birokrasi yang membebankan
- Merapatkan perhubungan antara pelbagai agama serta mengwujudkan suasana ukhuwah di kalangan umat Muslim untuk membanteras kegilaan taksub mazhab dan sikap “keterlaluan agama”.
- Benar2 mengambil langkah untuk menangani masalah kos rumah murah dimana berlaku banyak penipuan dan penindasan terhadap mereka yang berpendapatan rendah dan miskin. Juga saiz rumah kos rendah perlu di nilai semula kerana saiz kini berada dalam zon kezaliman.
- Melakukan reformasi perundangan untuk merombak kembali undang2 yang menindas martabat manusia dan memastikan undang2 adalah adil
- Memberi perhatian yang lebih daripada sekarang kepada golongan kanak2, yang kurang upaya dan juga warga emas - perlu merangka polisi2 yang khusus;
- Mengenal pasti masalah2 yang di hadapi wanita2 terutama ibu tunggal, keselamatan, keadaan bayi terbiar dan sebagainya.
- Melihat kembali kontrak kerajaan seperti pembinaan Jalan raya dan sebagainya yang berat sebelah pada rakyat.
- Kerajaan yang telus, bertanggungjawab, dan “engage feedback” Rakyat dalam polisi2 yang berpengaruh besar.
INi lah di antara yang saya fikir utama dalam minda dan harapan rakyat yang sempat saya berkongsi.
Saya berharap Kerajaan PH ini akan berpegang pada janji nya untuk berkhidmat pada rakyat sebaik mungkin serta di rahmati Allah.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Malaysians Made Political History ! 14th General Elections 9th May 2018
Lest the people think that this was an overnight courage of the Malaysian people to change the government they have been used to for the past 60 years, let us recall briefly a few important milestones that led to this.
Firstly, the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim in 1998 and the subsequent sodomy charges against him. This event gave birth to the Reformasi Movement which evolved over almost 18 years now. As I have written before on this blog, Anwar had contributed tremendously in igniting up the imagination of the voters, especially in the following areas; a) courage to openly and bluntly criticise government and government officials, b) opening up the eyes of the public on the alleged excesses of politicians c) the idea and concept of “People’s sovereignty \” (Ketuanan Rakyat) - this I consider the greatest contribution of Anwar to the beginning of a Malaysian dream d) Many Malay voters began to move away from race based rhetoric and of course f) the people got used to opposition becoming government at the state levels.
So it was one long arduous journey that began with Anwar and his families personal and political sufferings.
Secondly, was the fact that when Pak Lah took over, civil societies movements, like Bersih, UNdiMalaysia, SABM and so many others grew and functioned on their own - it became a people’s movement. People like Haris Ibrahim, “the one man army” with his sense of uncomprising principles, Marina Mahathir, Ambiga, Edmond Bon, and so many others played a major and unselfish role in the evolution of the Malaysian voter’s psyche.
Thirdly was the fact that UMNO and BN were already being gradually weakened since PAk Lah took over and they encountered challenges which were completely new. However, they attempted to address these challenges using old methods which failed. This is also evolution of the Malaysian political mindset.
All the above and other factors brought us to today _ Malaysians dared to change government. Obviously hopes are high. However, I am one person who has never been too happy or too depressed about anything.
Whether or not this change will be good in the short term is yet to be seen. The new Pakatan Harapan government must keep its promises and on top of its list should be to empower the minds of the citizens. They must be respected as human beings and we have to move away from racial and religious polarization.
Allah has given Tun Dr Mahathir a second chance - I pray this chance brings him full circle.
Barisan Nasional,
Mahathir Mohamad,
Pakatan harapan,
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Malaysian General Elections 2018 - What can I write?
My thoughts on the Malaysian General Elections 2018
Many of my friends have been prodding me for weeks to write my predictions and views on this election. I ask them back - what difference does it make ? There are already so many experts, non-experts, great former and current leaders who are already saying a lot. What possibly useful thing can I add to the cart load of noise out there.
The spin doctors on both sides are having a field day - it’s their moment and they only have a few more days to serve their purpose in life.
Most people would expect me to write either pro Pakatan or pro Barisan narratives. I cannot. Even if write a criticism of Tun Mahathir, I may be accused as being pro Barisan. If I write a criticism of Federal government polices, then I may be accused of being Mahathir man.
It appears that the mentality of elections is that an ordinary Rakyat like me must either be a Mahathir man or a Najib man or an Anwar man. If so, then where is my own self esteem, my maruah as a human being and a thinking citizen? I cannot bring myself to criticize human beings - only their actions and policies. Knowing that I am not perfect, I know therefore they are not.
And assuming that I do condemn Najib today and then tomorrow Najib and Mahathir kiss and make up just like what Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang are doing now, I am supposed to follow this action too? I am supposed to forget all the pain that Anwar and his family for example has undergone simply because Mahathir says all is fine now?
Hence, as a rakyat I am supposed to be the lalang of the politicians ? When they blow left, I have to go left. When they blow right, I have to blow right? Where then is my dignity ?
So what useful thing can I possibly say?
Hence, the only thing I can say is: I hope God gives the wisdom to the Rakyat to judge on the facts, past policies and behaviors of the respective candidates and come to a wise decision not based on anger, hatred, lies or pure sentiments.
Otherwise, the law of nature says: as we sow, so shall we reap.
Happy voting.
Peace !
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Towards a PAS religious State after PRU14 ?
The heat seems to be on this election, especially on the social media.
There are all sorts of predictions as to who will win, how many seats and in which constituencies.
Some say that BN will win bigger and some say that Pakatan Harapan will win by a small margin. Has anyone thought of a big win by Pakatan?
If Pakatan Harapan wins, it raises many issues especially since Pakatan Harapan does not appear to have a single direction or agreement on policies to follow. What they have are general statements. There is also the concern that if Pakatan Harapan wins, there will be instability in the formation of the government,
ON the other hand, if BN only wins narrowly, then it is likely that it may form a coalition with PAS. The entry of PAS would most certainly change the political landscape into much more religious (not necessarily Islamic). You may see greater religious control over Muslims. In the process, the non-Muslims too will be affected.
Let’s see.
There are all sorts of predictions as to who will win, how many seats and in which constituencies.
Some say that BN will win bigger and some say that Pakatan Harapan will win by a small margin. Has anyone thought of a big win by Pakatan?
If Pakatan Harapan wins, it raises many issues especially since Pakatan Harapan does not appear to have a single direction or agreement on policies to follow. What they have are general statements. There is also the concern that if Pakatan Harapan wins, there will be instability in the formation of the government,
ON the other hand, if BN only wins narrowly, then it is likely that it may form a coalition with PAS. The entry of PAS would most certainly change the political landscape into much more religious (not necessarily Islamic). You may see greater religious control over Muslims. In the process, the non-Muslims too will be affected.
Let’s see.
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